SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

57 Expand the Cooperation and Service Network In addition to actively developing the online platform, service team of the Project Care Mobile Net had developed and expanded our cooperation network with different motels, hotels, sex toy shops, primary schools and universities to promote the AIDS prevention messages this year. 拓展服務合作網絡 「關懷移動網」團隊為接觸更多年輕群組,以及 普及安全性行為的訊息,本年度除了積極拓展 網上平台外,更與不同的新興時鐘酒店、性用 品商店、小學和大學合作推廣健康教育資訊。 推出健康教育系列短片 在疫情期間,「正向軌跡」團隊製作原創健康教 育系列短片《知 • 性》,內容涵蓋現時備受關注 的衛生及健康議題,並派送至不同合作單位, 包括懲教署轄下 15 間院所,社會福利署轄下之 感化╱住宿院舍及非政府服務機構,繼續提供 優質健康教育資訊及服務予服務使用者。 Series of Health Education Videos Under the epidemic, Project PATHS has produced a series of original health education videos titled “Know better about health”, which cover the current health issues that are of great concern. We successfully delivered the DVDs to 15 correctional facilities under the Correctional Services Department, probation home under the Social Welfare Department and our non- governmental service partners, so as to provide high-quality health education information and services to the service users during the pandemic. 關懷移動網進行一樓一外展服務。 Project CMN worker was providing outreach service in the red-light area. 為高小學生舉辦健康教育講座。 A sex education talk was held for a primary school. 疫情期間,感化 / 住宿院舍所員觀看健康教育短片, 以增進對愛滋病及血液傳染疾病的了解。 The inmates in the probation home watched the health education videos, aiming to increase their knowledge about AIDS and blood-borne diseases.