SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

4 根據近年的研究,精神病的發病期有年青化的趨勢。 因此,本會正積極推展 精神健康服務 到校園,希望提 升學童的精神健康,增強他們的情緒管理能力。同時 為青少年提供紓緩服務,宣傳精神健康的重要,增加 社區精神健康的資本。另外,本會的中途宿舍得到社 會福利署及香港賽馬會慈善信託基金的支持,在疫情 下引入不少電子化設備,既讓舍友接觸新科技,又改 善宿舍生活,一舉兩得。 青年是未來的社會棟樑,亦是進步的動力,因此本會 向來注重 培育弱勢青年的發展 ,期望透過職業生涯 規劃服務,讓他們能夠作出合適的抉擇、好好規劃未 來。繼鼓勵青年創新的「社創社」計劃後,今年二月我 們獲得「粵港澳大灣區青年創業資助計劃」撥款,開展 「創勢代」計劃,這資助計劃是由民政事務局及青年發 展委員會青年發展基金提供。「創勢代」計劃主要是啟 發青年的創業精神、提升他們的實踐能力,引導他們 認清目標,了解自我,發展事業。往後,本會將繼續 為弱勢青年提供各種認識自我和探索職涯的機會,讓 他們可以開創更好未來。 社區教育及義工服務 一直是本會與社區的重要橋樑, 在疫情下許多實體活動無法開展,服務轉以網上形式 舉行,本會也轉移在社交媒體與會友和大眾互動,網 上結緣是大勢所趨。本會將加快推行機構數碼轉型, 揉合大數據分析,掌握大勢,更精準拓展服務,為配 合智慧城市發展作好準備。 Recent studies have shown more young people are suffered from mental illness in Hong Kong. Therefore, we actively disseminated the mental health service at schools to improve students’ mental wellness and strengthen their emotional management abilities. Meanwhile, we provided timely relief services to youths and promoted the importance of mental wellness, as well as strengthening the capital of community’s mental health. With the funding support of the Social Welfare Department and Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Halfway Houses of the Society introduced some electronic equipment amid the epidemic that allowed residents to explore new technologies and improved the living environment of the houses. Young people are our future pillars, and they are also the driving force of improvement. Therefore, we have always focused on nurturing the development of underprivileged young people . Through career planning services, we hope that they will be able to make appropriate decisions and plans for a better future. Other than the “BEHub” project launched last year, in February this year we were honored to have received the funding from “Funding Scheme for Youth Entrepreneurship in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” under Home Affairs Bureau and Youth Development Commission, to launch the project “Startup Generation”. This project is also one of the projects under “We Venture” which devoted to inspiring young people’s entrepreneurship spirit, cultivating their practical ability and nurturing their start-up ideas to help the participants enrich their self- values and develop their careers. In the future, we will continue to provide disadvantaged youth with various opportunities to learn about themselves and explore careers to create a prosperous future. Community Education and Volunteer Development Service have always been an important bridge between the Society and the community. Most of our activities went online amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and we also diverted our communication and interaction with our service users and the public to social media platforms. Foreseeing the trend to adopt the hybrid style, SRACP will speed up for digital transformation and integrate big data analysis, in order to expand its services more precisely and be well prepared for the development plan of a smart city.