SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

58 少數族裔戒毒康復支援服務 + Project CARE PLUS – Community-based Treatment and Rehabilitation Support Service for Ethnic Minorities + Drug Mothers & Drug Prevention 為延續對少數族裔人士戒毒康復的支援,本服 務再獲得禁毒基金資助,推行為期三年的具文 化敏感度、一站式、社區為本的戒毒康復支援 服務,服務沿用「幸福感元素 (PERMA+) 」理論基 礎,以身心健康為介入點,採用實證為本的介 入手法,引導和支援吸毒人士、戒毒康復人士 及其家庭邁向無毒和更健康的生活方式。 另外,為回應吸毒母親日益增加的服務需要, 我們推行一連串針對性服務,經社工專業評估 後,按不同改變階段及需要為少數族裔吸毒者 及戒毒康復者提供服務,例如個案戒毒輔導、 支援小組、消閒活動、職業輔助、家庭支援活 動、親職教育、吸毒者及戒毒康復者子女的教 育等。 In the past decade, SRACP has been providing continuous support to the ethnic minority (EM) communities to fight against drugs. We strive to fulfil the rising needs of drug treatment and rehabilitation service and in 2019, we secured the sponsorship from Beat Drugs Fund to provide another 3-year community- based, one-stop and culturally sensitive rehabilitation services. By adopting “PERMA+” approaches and health as the intervention focus, we aim at motivating and supporting drug abusers, rehabilitees and their family members to live with a drug-free and healthy lifestyle. In response to the rising concern of drug using mothers, we enhance the supportive groups in this new project cycle, which help to develop their problem solving capacity and social support network. Assessment will be conducted by professional social worker, services are provided to drug abusers according to their different stages of change by various means, such as casework intervention, support group, leisure activities, employment assistance, family support programme, parenting education, drug prevention education to drug abusers or rehabilitees’ children. 服務 數據 Service Data 已戒毒的少數族裔在郊外踩單車, 紓緩疫情下的壓力。 Rehabilitated ethnic minorities were cycling in the countryside to relieve the stress during the pandemic. 非華裔吸毒人士及戒毒康復者接受濫藥 / 預防重吸輔導人數 No. of EM active drug abusers & rehabilitees received drug counselling / relapse prevention counselling 63 人 (persons) 非華裔社區外展接觸人次 No. of EM community members were outreached 1,241 人次 (person-times) 非華裔社區大型活動受惠人次 No. of EM community members benefited from mass programme 450 人次 (person-times) 非華裔吸毒人士及戒毒康復者參與強化康復活動人次 No. of EM drug abusers & rehabilitees participated rehabilitation strengthening programme 143 人次 (person-times) 非華裔戒毒者參與持續戒毒支援活動人次 No. of EM drug abusers & rehabilitees participated ongoing treatment support programme 106 人次 (person-times) 非華裔吸毒人士及戒毒康復者家庭成員參與家庭支援活動人次 No. of family members of EM drug abusers & rehabilitees participated family reconciliation programme 251 人次 (person-times) 為前線同工提供專業訓練活動人次 No. of professional training for frontline staff 118 人次 (person-times) 服務 概覽 Service Overview