SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

59 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 與少數族裔走過「疫」境 新冠肺炎疫情雖拉開人與人之間的距離,我們 與服務使用者的心卻因疫情連在一起。二零二 零年底,本港爆發第四波疫情,油尖旺地區疫 情格外嚴峻,少數族裔朋輩輔導員和義工立即 到區內少數族裔聚集地方,派發防疫物資予他 們,提醒他們注意個人衛生,充分體現守望相 助的精神。我們亦派發食物及防疫物資給有經 濟困難的少數族裔服務對象及其家人,令他們 在面對疫情時能感受到暖意。 Support the EM Service Users During the Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has widened the social distance between people. Nonetheless, it has brought us closer with the service users. In late 2020, residents in the Yau Ma Tei district had been hard hit by the fourth wave of coronavirus infections, our colleagues and volunteers immediately distributed the personal protection equipment, including surgical masks and alcohol hand sanitiser to our underprivileged service users, and encouraged them to take good care of personal hygiene, the spirit of mutual support in the community was thereby fully manifested. We also delivered the food and masks to service users who were struggling during the pandemic, spreading love to the ethnic minority community. 與少數族裔吸毒母親小組成員共同製作健康營 養的食物,增強身體免疫力。 Drug-using mother group members cooked the nutrient-dense food together, in order to strengthen the body’s immunity. 我們與服務對象分享在疫情期間 維持身心健康的貼士。 We shared with our service users tips for staying well during the pandemic. 我們為在疫情期間向有經濟困難的服 務對象送上食物及口罩。 We delivered the food and surgical masks to service users who were struggling with the pandemic. 在進行社區外展工作時,派發口罩及消毒搓手 液給露宿的少數族裔吸毒人士,提醒他們注意 個人衛生。 We distributed the hand sanitisers and surgical masks to homeless drug users during community outreach to remind them of personal hygiene.