SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

60 本計劃於二零一八年八月再獲禁毒基金資助, 為本港高危少數族裔青少年提供為期三年的 禁毒服務,透過各類活動及講座,培養他們抗 拒吸毒的態度;並及早識別少數族裔隱蔽吸毒 者,提高他們的求助意識;以及讓少數族裔青 少年更了解與毒品有關的禍害及刑事責任。 本計劃亦重點於少數族裔聚集的地區進行外展 服務(包括深宵外展服務),藉此擴闊計劃可接 觸的社群,增加他們對本計劃的認識。我們亦 設立熱線查詢服務,讓服務使用者能即時收有 關毒品的資訊或其他情緒支援,以及透過網上 社交平台進行網上外展服務,加強宣傳禁毒及 健康資訊,並為隱蔽吸毒者提供多一個求助渠 道。 我們會按照少數族裔青少年自身的興趣,舉辦 各類培訓及興趣班,以提升他們的自我效能 感,增強其抗毒能力及減低吸毒的機會;這亦 有助我們與高危少數族裔青少年建立關係, 增加其求助的意識。另外,社工及朋輩支援員 評估服務使用者的需要及狀況後,提供適切的 轉介及跟進服務,例如戒毒服務、職業培訓服 務、情緒支援輔導服務等。 The Project Midnight Southray II was again funded by the Beat Drugs Fund in August 2018, to provide the high risk non-Chinese ethnic youths with drugs preventive service for three years. Through different activities and interest classes, we aim to cultivate the attitudes of the high risk non-Chinese ethnic youths to resist drug abuse, identify and intervene early for hidden non-Chinese ethnic young drug abusers, as well as raising their awareness of seeking help and support. In addition, participants can understand the harms and criminal responsibilities related to drugs. The Project puts emphasis on physical outreaching service (including mid-night outreaching service) in areas where non-Chinese ethnic youths gather, so as to expand our service coverage and hence enhancing their awareness of our service. Also, we not only set up a hotline query service for service users to receive immediate response on drug-related query or other emotional support, but also conducting an online outreaching service via social media platforms to provide the anti-drug and health messages, in order to strengthen non-Chinese youths’ health awareness and provide platforms to those hidden young drug users to seek help. In addition, we organise different training activities and interest classes according to the interests of high risk non-Chinese ethnic youths, in order to enhance their self-efficacy, thereby developing their anti-drug ability and reducing the possibility of drug abuse. Furthermore, this intervention service helps us build up relationships with high risk non-Chinese ethnic youths and peer supporters, whom raise their awareness of seeking support from us. After conducting an assessment by social workers and peer supporters, service users will be provided with appropriate referral and follow-up services according to their needs and situations, such as drug rehabilitation services, vocational training services, counselling services, etc. 服務 數據 Service Data 午夜南光 II – 高危少數族裔青少年禁毒計劃 Project Midnight Southray II – Drug preventive service for high risk non- Chinese ethnic Night Youth Drifters through Midnight Outreach 透過外展服務接觸的非華裔高危青少年及隱蔽吸毒人士的人次 At-risk non-Chinese ethnic youths and hidden drug abusers through physical outreaching service 1,824 透過網上外展服務接觸的非華裔高危青少年及隱蔽吸毒人士的人次 At-risk non-Chinese ethnic youths and hidden drug abusers through online outreaching service 4,087 非華裔高危青少年及隱蔽吸毒人士參加休閒活動人次 At-risk non-Chinese ethnic youths and hidden drug abusers reached by social inducing workshop and leisure activities 36 接受危機介入及輔導服務的非華裔高危青少年及隱蔽吸毒人士人次 At-risk non-Chinese ethnic youths and hidden drug abusers for on-the-spot crisis intervention and counselling service 179 非華裔高危青少年及隱蔽吸毒人士身體檢查參與人次 On-the-spot health check-up received by at-risk non-Chinese ethnic youths and hidden drug abusers 398 服務 概覽 Service Overview