SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

61 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 拓展網上外展支援服務 因疫情關係,外展服務及小組活動大受影響。 團隊遂積極發展網上外展服務,透過少數族裔 青少年常接觸的網上社交平台,分享及推廣禁 毒信息。我們亦設立網上身體檢查問卷,以增 加他們的求助意識及關注健康,避免因疫情而 衍生的吸毒問題。 另外,我們十分重視朋輩於少數族裔社群中所 擔當的角色,由於他們熟悉社群的網上文化, 能更針對地向少數族裔高危青少年提供介入服 務。本計劃的義工及朋輩亦設計及製作不同的 帖子及短片,向少數族裔高危青少年提供禁毒 及健康資料。 Enhance Online Outreach Service Physical outreaching service and group activities were suspended amidst the pandemic, Project Midnight Southray II actively developed online outreach services to share and promote anti- drug information through social media platforms that are commonly accessed by non-Chinese ethnic youths. Meanwhile, we also set up an online health check-up questionnaire in respond to the youths’ needs, and enhance their help-seeking behaviours and awareness of their health, so as to alleviate their drug problems and situations arising from the pandemic. In addition, peer supporters play an essential role in the ethnic minority community who understand well the online culture of high risk non-Chinese ethnic youths and provide more targeted intervention services to them. The project’s volunteers and peer supporters participated in an online outreaching service. They were responsible for designing and producing different posts and short videos to provide high risk non-Chinese ethnic youths with anti-drug and health information. 開展創新生涯規劃服務 透過前線工作經驗得知,大部分少數族裔高危 青少年沒有太多機會了解個人興趣及發展;加 上受文化因素影響,他們對其個人未來出路或 感到前路茫茫。因此,適切的生涯規劃及職業 導向服務介入,有助穩定少數族裔高危青少年 的生活模式,推動他們戒毒和遠離毒品。 本計劃與機構旗下「恒生青年前路探索計劃」及 「賽馬會鼓掌•創你程計劃」合作,提升少數族 裔高危青少年對不同行業的興趣,發掘及訂立 職業或創業的志向,同時建立正面生活模式, 實踐理想。 Launch Innovative Career and Life Planning Service Through front-line work experience, most high risk non-Chinese ethnic youths do not have much opportunity to explore their interests and development. Coupled with the influence of cultural factors, they may feel that there is no way of making any forward for their future. Appropriate career development and life planning programmes can help stabilise the life patterns of high risk non- Chinese ethnic youths, and encourage them to stay away from drugs. This project collaborated with “Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme” and “CLAP@JC”, with an aim to promote the interests of high risk non-Chinese ethnic youths in different industries, discover and develop their ambitions on employment and entrepreneurship, and hence establishing a positive lifestyle and implement their plans. 本計劃的義工及朋輩設計及製作了不同的帖 子及短片,推廣禁毒訊息。 Volunteers and peers designed and produced different posts and short videos to promote the message of anti-drug. 舞蹈班成員為機構的新春聯歡活動準備印度 歌舞蹈表演。 Dance class members prepared Indian songs and dance performances for the Chinese New Year Celebration event for SRACP.