SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

62 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 結合「風險 – 需求 – 對應模式」 及「美好生命模式」 本年度,「美好生命模式」研習小組製作一系列 「風險 – 需求 – 對應模式」 (RNR) 及「美好生命模式」 (GLM) 實務工具,並應用於社會康復及預防犯 罪服務。當中「 RNR & GLM 工作手冊」整合了「風 險 – 需求 – 對應模式」、 LS / CMI 評估工具及「美好 生命模式」的概念與應用,並輔以「美好生命路 線圖」工作紙、「美好生命目標卡」及教學短片 等工具,協助同工深化介入技巧,於評估更生 人士重犯風險的同時,亦能以優勢視角協助更 生人士重建新生。 The integration of “Risk-Need-Responsivity” and “Good Lives Model” This year, the “Good Lives Model” study group produced a variety of useful tools to integrate “Risk-Need-Responsivity” (RNR) and “Good Lives Model” (GLM) in the Social Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Service. Among them, the publication of “RNR & GLM Operational Manual” consolidated the concepts and the integration of RNR, Level of Service / Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) as well as GLM. Supplemented by customised worksheets, goal cards as well as teaching videos, colleagues could intensify their skills and knowledge on their intervention approaches to identify users’ criminogenic needs while adopting strength-based perspective in offender rehabilitation. 專業發展及質素管理 Professional Development and Quality Management 本會致力推動專業發展和質素管理,鼓勵研習 知識,深化技巧以加強員工的個人及專業成長 以提升服務質素。 The Society is committed to promoting professional development and quality management, staff are encouraged to develop and consolidate the skills and knowledge so as to enhance their service quality. 服務 概覽 Service Overview 各服務單位透過悉心的佈置,讓服務使用者 於安全又舒適環境下,訂立個人化的美好生 命目標。 service units have been decorated in a meaningful way to facilitate service users in setting their good lives goals in a safety and caring environment.