SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

63 專業培訓 在疫情下,本會持續為同工提供專業培訓。二 零二零年七月至八月期間,由臨床心理學家為 新入職的員工提供一系列網上訓練,包括「預 防重吸和減少危害」,「 DSM5 概述、認識和進行 精神狀態檢查」、「復元模式及其應用」和「成癮 理論與動機式訪談」。同工透過技巧練習、討論 及個案研究或與朋輩支援員交流,加強專業技 巧的認識。二零二一年一月,本會邀得懲教署 代表向同工介紹懲教署的更生事務,以及由本 會研究及發展部介紹社會服務相關的研究方法 及實證為本的理念。 為 提 升 同 工 處 理 有 創 傷 經 歷 個 案 的 意 識, 本年度先後舉辦「 Working with Wounded Person in Trauma Informed Care Principles 」、「 Translating Trauma Informed Care concepts into practice with justice involved clients 」及「 Trauma informed care Training workshop: Be More Professional at Work 」培 訓。此外,本會還舉辦了「開放式對話」、「 Bowen 家庭治療」及「敘事實踐與治療」等主題工作坊, 以加強同工對不同介入方法的認識。 Professional Training Last year, the society continued to provide professional trainings despite the epidemic. In July and August 2020, a series of online trainings were provided by clinical psychologists to newly joined staff, including “Relapse Prevention & Harm Reduction”, “Overview of DSM5, understanding & conducting Mental State Examination”, “Recovery approach and its applications” and “Addiction Theories and Motivational Interviewing”. Staff have strengthened their knowledge of professional skills through skill practices, discussions, case studies and exchanges with peer supporters. In January 2021, the Society invited representative of the Correctional and Service Department (CSD) to introduce the rehabilitation affairs provided by CSD with our staff. Staff of Research and Development Division also introduced how to embed research in social service and evidence-informed practice adopted by the Society. To enhance staff awareness in working with person with traumatic experiences, trainings on “Working with Wounded Person in Trauma Informed Care Principles”, “Translating Trauma Informed Care concepts into practice with justice involved clients”, followed by “Trauma informed care Training workshop: Be More Professional at Work” were organised. In addition, themed workshops on “Open Dialogue”, “Bowen Family Therapy” and “Narrative Therapy and Practice” also arranged so as to strengthen staff understanding on different intervention approaches. 「美好生命目標卡」 “Good Lives Model Goal Cards” 同工悉心佈置服務單位環境。 Featured decoration in service unit.