SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

65 本會設有 4 間中途宿舍,合共提供 144 個宿位, 為復元人士提供過渡性住宿服務。中途宿舍服 務以復元為本,我們相信復元人士可以透過積 極、自主的復元歷程,建立對復元的希望,重 新融入社會,過著有意義及充滿希望的生活。 * 因應筲箕灣宿舍重建,本會 3 間中途宿舍目前合共提 供 134 個宿位。 The Society operates four halfway houses with a total capacity of 144, providing transitional accommodation service that facilitates persons in recovery (PIR) with recovery-oriented community support for independent living. We believe that during the positive and autonomous journey of recovery, we instill hope into PIR, and assist them to reintegrate into the community and restore a meaningful life. * The Society is currently providing 134 places in three houses during the re-development of Shau Kei Wan House. 服務 數據 Service Data 中途宿舍服務 Halfway House Service 服務 概覽 Service Overview 入住率 Occupancy rate 95.22% 16.42% 成功遷出率 Successful discharge rate 45 2,283 37 706 8,873 3,982 新入宿人數 No. of new admission 舉辦小組次數 No. of groups organised 遷出人數 No. of discharges 舉辦活動次數 No. of activities organised 參與小組人次 Total attendance of groups 參與活動人次 Total attendance of activities