SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

66 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 提升舍友抗「疫」力 中途宿舍服務的運作因疫情大受影響,須嚴格 遵守防疫措施,暫緩團體活動,以保障舍友的 身心健康。宿舍在執行防疫措施時,復元人士 的社交生活難免會受到影響,對復元進程帶來 挑戰。社工團隊籌劃各類「心靈抗逆活動」,以 提升復元人士的抗逆力,例如製作心靈抗逆壁 報板,建立關愛及互助的生活環境;又向舍友 提供基本衛生訓練,讓他們協助進行簡單消毒 工作,轉化為服務提供者。 另外,我們亦舉辦以靜觀概念、正向心理學為 主題的治療性小組,並配合體驗式活動,提升 他們面對逆境的能力,跨過「疫」境。 Enhance Resilience of PIR Under the Threat from Pandemic The operation of the Halfway House Services was greatly affected by the pandemic, which required to comply strictly with anti- epidemic regulations and implement hygienic measures. These would inevitably affect the social life of PIR and the progress of their recovery. The social workers’ team planned various activities to enhance the resilience and positivity of PIR, including the production of a resilience noticeboard, to cultivate a caring and supportive living environment. Meanwhile, we invited PIR to be an anti-COVID ambassador and health educator, who was trained to assist simple disinfection work, to transform their identity from service receiver to service provider. We also organised the therapeutic groups to enhance the coping skills of PIR and establish their healthy community networks, such as the workshop on mindfulness-based stress reduction, sessions with a strength-based approach and group activities facilitated by art elements. These could help them to develop a stronger ability to bounce back when facing stressful stimulants. 新聘註冊護士為宿舍職員提供防感染講座。 Talk on infection control delivered by registered nurse. 復元人士在疫情期間透過智能機械人與家 人聯絡。 PIR made video calls with family members through robots during the pandemic.