SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

67 發掘不同資源疫情下繼續運作 中途宿舍善用社會福利署額外津貼,宿舍於二 零二零年九月制訂危機應變指引,除購置防疫 物資外,也安排兩次噴灑防病毒塗層服務,讓 舍友於疫情期間可以安心居住。我們於二零二 一年二月獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金資助港幣 60 萬元購置不同設備,包括智能機械人及空氣 清新機等,降低院舍員工及舍友感染風險。 社會福利署在二零二零年十二月與香港賽馬會 慈善信託基金合作推出為期一年的計劃,包括 提供津貼,資助殘疾人士院舍進行室內通風系 統評估,並聘請註冊護士到院舍進行防感染控 制評估,及提供 4 節員工訓練,增強員工防感 染控制的知識。中途宿舍已外聘註冊護士,並 於二零二一年二月提供首次宿舍巡查及員工訓 練。 此外,我們也獲社會福利署的樂齡及康復創科 應用基金撥款開發中途宿舍藥物管理系統,提 供更有效紀錄及監控藥物服務流程,預計二零 二一年第三季正式使用。 Higher Effectiveness of Epidemic Control with Community Resources With the additional support from the Social Welfare Department (SWD), the halfway houses formulated the guidelines of contingency measures in response to the pandemic in September 2020. In addition to purchasing anti-epidemic products, we also arranged two rounds of the anti-virus coating spray service on our premises, in order to provide a safe and hygienic living environment for residents. Furthermore, in February 2021, we received a grant of HK$600,000 from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Fund to purchase various equipment, such as robots, air purifiers and etc., so as to alleviate the infection risks of our staff and PIR. SWD collaborated with the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Fund to launch a one-year time-bound programme. It offered subsidies to the residential care homes for persons with disabilities (RCHDs), conducted on-site indoor ventilation assessment and deployed hiring services of registered nurses to run 4 sessions of on-site assessment and training on infection control to frontline staff, aiming to enhance their knowledge of infection control. We hired a registered nurse who provided the first session of on-site assessment and training at our houses in February 2021. Moreover, we implemented and upgraded a drug management system to strengthen prescription and drug management, as well as reducing the risk of medical incidents. It was funded by the Innovation and Technology Fund under SWD and to be launched in the third quarter of 2021. 朗日居進行室內通風系統評估。 Sunrise House conducted on-site indoor ventilation assessment. 復元人士與陪伴機械人互動。 PIR interacted with the robot.