SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

5 本會得到香港賽馬會慈善信託基金撥款,將筲箕灣宿 舍重建成「賽馬會箕寓」大樓,發展 「拍住上」共居社區 計劃 ,創建全新的共住服務模式。大樓落成後,可讓 精神復元人士與離開院舍的青年共居,期間向他們 提供支援服務,加強社區連繫,訓練自立能力,做好 融入社會準備。現時,筲箕灣宿舍拆卸工程已順利完 成,「賽馬會箕寓」大樓已於二零二一年六月舉行動工 儀式,希望這「共居計劃」能為社區共融帶出新方向。 過渡性房屋 對弱勢社群意義重大,不只是解決居住問 題,更重要是透過不同的支援提升他們在社區的生活 能力,日後能順利「過渡」到新社區。因此,本會將積 極發展社會房屋項目,期望服務使用者在過渡住宿期 間重拾生活樂趣,對他們的人生帶來正面的影響。 我擔任善導會主席已經八年,見證善導會的改變,由 被動提供服務轉為多元外展服務,各同工的努力實功 不可沒。我非常慶幸有機會服務香港的弱勢社群,這 是我難忘的經歷。我衷心感謝本會各委員、顧問、合 作伙伴和同工等無名英雄的支持,希望大家繼續秉承 本會使命,為弱勢社群紓厄解困,締造包容而安全的 社會。 SRACP received funding support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to implementation the “Craft Your Life Together” Co-living Community Project — redevelopment of Shau Kei Wan House with a brand-new co-living service model. Upon completion of the new building, a co-living environment for persons in recovery and out-of-home youth with transitional service support is provided to strengthen their connection with the community and train up their ability to live independently. The demolition of Shau Kei Wan House was successfully completed, and the groundbreaking ceremony of the new building “Key House” was held in June 2021. We hope that this project will bring a new direction for community integration. Transitional housing is of great significance to the disadvantaged groups, which tackles the housing problem and serves as a seamless transition for their lives to re- integrate into a new community. Therefore, SRACP will proactively develop social housing projects, hoping that service users can regain the joy of life during the transitional stay period and have a positive impact on their lives. I have been the Chairperson of SRACP for eight years. Having witnessed the transformation of the Society, from passively to proactively offering diversified outreach services. Indeed, the dedication and commitment of our staff are irreplaceable. It is my honor to serve the underprivileged in Hong Kong, and it was an exceptional journey. I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to my fellow committee members, honorary consultants, working partners and all our staff for your valuable support over the years. I sincerely wish that the Society continues to uphold and embrace the vision of contributing to the development of an inclusive and safe society, and to deliver timely services to the disadvantaged groups in Hong Kong.