SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

69 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 中學生透過和諧粉彩小組學習放鬆心情。 Students learnt to relax through Nagomi Pastel Drawing. Development of Online Services We applied social media platforms to expand online outreach services. In addition to reaching more PIR, we established and connected them with social support through online events. Live streams were broadcasted through Facebook, to share tips of stress-relieving and songs with positive messages. 拓展網上服務 我們廣泛應用社交平台進行線上外展服務,除 可接觸更多精神復元人士外,同時透過線上活 動讓他們建立正面社交關係。我們通過臉書進 行實時流媒體廣播,包括分享緩解壓力技巧以 及勵志歌曲等。 網上節目「澄天鬆一鬆」 Online programme — “ViTalevision” 龍澄坊 擴展精神健康服務至校園 龍澄坊積極擴展中學生精神健康服務,亦與其 他機構聯合舉辦活動,提供講座、小組及個案 服務予中學生及其家人。在疫情下,我們繼續 為 9 間中學提供 36 次網上及實體活動,及接受 個案轉介。我們亦向中學生家長舉辦講座,讓 他們了解子女面對的壓力及如何應對。另外, 在疫情緩和時,我們舉辦網上講座協助學生調 整心態應對復課。我們未來會加強聯繫區內中 學,鼓勵中學生嘗試接觸及服務精神復元人 士。 Vitality Place Expanding Mental Wellness Service into Secondary School Students Vitality Place actively expanded its services to secondary schools and cooperated with other organisations to provide seminars and group services to secondary school students and their families. We offered 36 online or face-to-face activities to 9 secondary schools and received case referrals during the pandemic. Meanwhile, we organised a seminar for parents to understand the stress experienced by their children and support them in coping with difficulties. When the pandemic eased off, we hosted online workshop to assist students in enhancing their psychological adjustment for class resumption. In the future, we will strengthen ties with secondary schools and encourage students to understand and serve the persons in recovery (PIR) in the community. 職員為網上廣播作準備。 Vitality Place staff were preparing online programme.