SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

70 疫情下支援小家屬服務 2019 冠狀病毒肆虐,政府多次宣佈停課,令兒 童要長期留在家中,缺乏娛樂及社交生活,也 影響他們的情緒和心理健康,而家長亦承受更 多的家居事務和照顧壓力。我們舉辦不同類型 的親子活動,包括童畫、手偶及故事創作、玩 具圖書館服務、郊野遊覽、親子溝通小組等, 藉此協助家長及兒童減低其焦慮及壓力。 Care Service for Children of PIR Under the Pandemic Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, the government announced several suspensions of face-to-face classes. As a result, children had to stay at home for a longer time that lacked leisure and social interaction opportunities, and affected their emotional and mental health; meanwhile, their parents were overburdened with their excessive domestic work and caring stress. We organised various types of parent-child activities, including children’s paintings, hand puppets and story creation, toy library service, countryside excursions, parent-child communication groups, in order to help parents and children to reduce stress and anxiety during the class suspension period. 小孩與母親參與繪畫活動。 Girls enjoyed painting with her mother. With the support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, we implemented the “Happy Learning Thro Play” programme, with an aim to provide support to low-income families during the pandemic. Parents accompanied their children to borrow various age-appropriate learning toys, facilitating their parent-child activities at home. The programme served 55 families with a total of 120 sessions. 本會獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金贊助推出「玩 具圖書館」計劃,向有需要的家庭提供適切的 學習資源和玩具娛樂,讓兒童在疫境中繼續學 習和紓解鬱悶的情緒。計劃共向區內 55 個有需 要家庭提供了 120 次借用玩具服務。 玩具是兒童的良伴。 Toys are great friends of children.