SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

71 另外,我們獲救助兒童基金資助推行「童樂坊」 計劃,支援復元人士的子女。我們舉行「手偶創 作小組」活動,借助製作木偶、故事創作及表 演,讓兒童對情緒有更多的了解。他們通過閱 讀經典故事繪本和布偶製作,學習如何正確表 達其情感及解決方法。 We received funding from the Save the Children Fund to carry out the “Rejoice Place” project for the children of PIR. We conducted a ’Puppet Making’ programme to facilitate the children’s understanding and awareness of emotion. Through the reading of classic picture books and puppet making, they learnt how to express their feeling and cope with difficulties appropriately. 心靈種子 我們在疫情期間舉辦「心靈種子」計劃,向復元 人士提供「心意包」,包括綠豆種子,棉花,種 植說明和願望卡,鼓勵他們在家學習種植,之 後提供植物照片和反思語句,上載至龍澄坊社 交媒體上,互相分享。復元人士既可享受種植 活動的樂趣,放鬆身心,亦可紓緩疫情所帶來 的影響。活動共送出 875 粒種子,並收集 15 張 種子生長日記照片或文字記錄。 Leafy Heart We organised the “Leafy Heart” project for PIR to learn planting at home during the pandemic. We delivered “a gift set” to PIR with mung bean seeds, cotton, planting instructions and wish cards, then uploaded photos of plants with reflective quotes to our social media platform for mutual sharing. The participants enjoyed the fun of planting activities, engaged in leisure mindfully and relieved the psychological impact of the pandemic. We sent 875 seeds and retrieved 15 photos or text records of seed growth diaries. 龍澄坊義工協助製作手偶。 Volunteers helped children to make puppets. 「心靈種子」聯繫會員,助其渡過疫情。 “Leafy Heart” can accompany members to tide over their difficult times. 小朋友透過製作手偶學習情緒。 Boys learnt emotion through the production of puppet.