SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

72 推廣青少年精神健康服務 朗澄坊關注青少年精神健康的需要,年內與區 內中學開拓不同的服務,包括小組、講座、攤 位及家長工作坊等。朗澄坊因應疫情,持續改 變活動形式,仍為 5 間區內中學提供了 21 個活 動,共 818 人次接受服務,期望未來可以拓展 至更多學校。 Promote Mental Health among Youths Placidity Place addressed the local community concern over youth mental health through group programmes, booth promotion and careers workshop. During the pandemic, we organised 21 activities for 818 people in 5 secondary schools by various means in adopting the anti-pandemic measures from time to time. 青少年家長參加正念工作坊,增加認識精神健康。 Parents of youngsters joined the mindfulness programme for enhancing understanding towards 承蒙滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃贊助,朗澄坊為精 神復元人士、婦女以及青少年開展社區音樂計 劃。透過 3 個組別(共 24 節小組)工作坊,讓 40 位參加者於疫情下以歌曲表達心聲,紓緩內心 的壓力,並創作 3 首歌曲及拍攝成 3 段音樂錄 象,於社交平台播放。稍後他們亦會與社區人 士分享,為其他群體打氣,共同克服疫情所帶 來的情緒困擾。另外,本計劃亦透過網上網下 兼容的途徑舉辦「社區心靈樂」活動,當中包括 18 個工作坊,讓 183 位社區人士及復元人士參 加各類照顧身心靈的活動,於疫情期間持續得 到關懷。 With the support of HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme, Placidity Place organised a community music programme titled “You and me are full of positive energy” for PIR, women and youths. Through 3 groups of creative workshops in 24 sessions, 40 participants co-created their own songs to express the mental stress. In addition, 3 songs in music video were produced and promoted through social media to enhance community resilience in fighting pandemic. Besides, through joyful programme via online and offline means, we could provide 18 workshops for 183 people from various background to enjoy mindful programmes. 朗澄坊 Placidity Place 「你我充滿正能量」參加者參與音樂錄象的拍攝工作。 “You and me are full of positive energy” participants engaged in production of music video. 社區音樂計劃 — 「你我充滿正能量」 Community Music Programme — “You and me are full of positive energy”