SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

73 「奇招解困憂」計劃 承蒙招商局慈善基金會贊助,本會得以推行 「奇招解困憂」計劃,為 40 個家庭,包括來自精 神復元人士、更生人士的家人及兒童以至青少 年等,提供津貼購買網課用的設備,教育資助 等。此外,我們亦與社區人士合作推出義工小 組探訪,網上功課輔導,表達藝術工作坊等活 動,在疫情下向服務受眾傳達關顧。最後,本 會聯同慈山寺佛法心靈輔導中心合作推出「抗 疫不倒翁•身心同放鬆」的和諧粉彩工作坊, 不單讓 140 個義工們透過和諧粉彩關顧自己, 亦將畫作送予「奇招解困憂」的家庭,為他們打 氣,使他們感受到社會人士的支持。透過上述 各類型的義工活動,共提供接近 1,000 小時的 服務。 “Shooting Hurdles” “Shooting Hurdles” is special scheme funded by China Merchants Foundation to support 40 deprived families, including PIR, Ex- offenders and Youths, for educational allowance and purchase of computing devices with internet services. In addition, we cooperated with community members to launch volunteer group visits, online totoring service and expression art workshops to spread care and love to service users during the epidemic. Last but not least, SRACP and Tsz Shan Monastery Buddhist Spiritual Counselling Centre co-organised online Pastel Nagomi Art programme to 140 community volunteers for improving their own wellness. The final drawings were then dispatched to our service users as a sign of encouragement. Along with all means of programme, we have provided more than 1,000 hours of volunteers services. 新春聯合慶祝活動 香港善導會每年新春期均舉辦晚宴,並邀請嘉 賓,本會委員,政府官員及各界持份者和本會 服務使用者參與。由於疫情關係未能舉辦大型 聚餐本會在大年初七舉辦線上新春慶祝活動, 邀請了香港懲教署副署長黃國興先生及社會 福利署助理署長(康復及醫務社會服務)葉巧瑜 女士預錄賀辭,並有服務使用者精彩表演。是 次活動共有 300 名來自 19 個服務單位參加。另 外,參加者亦獲贈愛心禮物包及參與抽獎,使 整個活動歡樂地完成。 Spring Gathering under Pandemic As tradition of SRACP, every year we would organise banquet during Chinese New Year, inviting honorable guests, SRACP committee members, government officials, stakeholders and our service users to celebrate in such important festival. Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, the programme was organised via a new online format. On 18 th February, we had the honour to invite the Deputy Commissioner of Correctional Service Department, Mr. WONG Kwok Hing and Assistant Director (Rehabilitation and Medical Social Services), Miss Hannah YIP Hau Yu to deliver a pre- recorded speech. Nineteen service units with around 300 participants gathered via Zoom platform, outstanding performance led by different service users and lucky draw were conducted in this joyful afternoon on top of the gifts pack delivered for our participants. 本會首個聯合網上慶祝新春活動的直播現場。 SRACP Live Studio of first joint celebration programme for Chinese New Year. 本會聯同慈山寺佛法心靈輔導中心合作推出「抗疫不倒 翁‧身心同放鬆」的和諧粉彩工作坊。 Co-organised programme with Tsz Shan Monastery Buddhist Spiritual Counselling Centre of Online Pastel Nagomi Art Programme for volunteers.