SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

74 臨床心理評估及輔導(每節 1–2 小時) Individual assessment and counselling (1–2 hours/session) 為精神健康綜合社區中心職員提供臨床咨詢 Clinical consultation provided to ICCMW staff 治療小組(每節 2 小時) Therapeutic groups (2 hours/session) 為本會員工、義工及會外人員提供培訓(每節 2–3 小時) Training provided to staff, volunteers, and external participants (2–3 hours/session) 由社工轉介的新個案 New referrals from social workers 為受精神、情緒或行為問題困擾的服務使用者 提供心理評估及測試,建立治療策略,並按個 別需要提供認知行為治療、家庭治療及社區音 樂介入。我們亦為本會其他服務單位,如社會 康復及支援綜合服務中心、精神健康綜合服務 中心等提供專業諮詢,並協助進行研究及職業 培訓等工作。 Clinical Psychology Service provides psychological assessment and treatment to persons in recovery (PIR) who suffer from psychological, emotional or behavioral disturbances. Our treatment approaches include Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Family Therapy, community music intervention, and group therapy. We also provide professional consultation services to staff of other service units, including Integrated Service Centres and Integrated Community Centres for Mental Wellness (ICCMWs), and play an active role in research and staff training activities. 服務 數據 Service Data 臨床心理服務 Clinical Psychology Service 服務 概覽 Service Overview 128 32 291 18 61 472 214 51 職員人數 No. of Staff 人次 No. of Participants 節數 No. of Sessions 個案人數 No. of Cases 個案數目 No. of Cases 節數 No. of Sessions 人數 No. of Users 節數 No. of Sessions