SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

75 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 朋輩支援員活動 「第四屆朋輩支援員訓練課程」因疫情的社交距 離措施而被迫推遲。去年,我們繼續為朋輩支 援員畢業生組織各類活動,以增加他們社交參 與及學習機會,並增強現有畢業生的凝聚力。 Peer Supporter Engagement Due to social distancing measures of the epidemic, the “4 th Peer Supporter Training Course” was postponed. We continued to organise various events to engage graduates of peer supporter training courses, in order to provide opportunities for social engagement and further learning, and strengthen the cohesion within the existing graduate group. 朋輩支援員畢業生學習正向心理學。 Peer supporter graduates were learning about positive psychology during a reunion event. 推廣不同種類的治療小組及社區活動 臨床心理學家為精神健康綜合社區中心、社會 康復及支援綜合服務中心的復元人士舉辦不同 種類的治療小組,例如認知訓練小組、電影治 療小組、失眠小組、以及針對盜竊習慣和性罪 行的小組。另外,臨床心理學家繼續統籌不同 精神健康服務單位的社區音樂活動,亦為朗澄 坊之復元人士定期帶領社區音樂小組。 Group Work for PIR This year, clinical psychologists hosted various therapeutic groups for PIR of ICCMWs and ISCs, including metacognitive therapy group, cinema therapy, CBT for Insomnia, and multiple groups targeted at compulsive stealing and sex offending problems. In addition, clinical psychologists continued to coordinate creative music activities at various mental health service units, and hosted community music groups regularly for PIR at Placidity Place.