SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

76 會內外專業交流及培訓 臨床心理學家除為同工舉辦不同的專業培訓, 包括「幸福感元素 (PERMA+) 」及「美好生命模式 簡介」等,亦為不同人士提供培訓工作坊,包括 為公眾講解「照顧者的自我照顧」、為就業服務 使用者講授「壓力管理與商機」,以及為中學老 師舉行「自閉症與性罪行」講座。 Trainings for Staff and General Public Clinical psychologists conducted various professional training for staff, including “PERMA+”, and “Introduction to Good Life Model”. We also conducted training for a range of external clientele, including workshops on “Caring for Carer Workshop” for the general public, “Stress Management and its Commercial Opportunity” for service users of Employment Development Service, and “Autism Spectrum Disorder and Sexual Offences” for teachers from a local secondary school. 臨床心理學家為宿舍服務人員進行 「美好生命模式」培訓。 Clinical psychologist conducted “Good Lives Model” training for staffs from hostel service. 臨床心理學家為法院社工服務的義工舉 行培訓班。 Training workshop for volunteers from Court Social Work Service.