SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

6 總幹事報告 Chief Executive’s Report 社會服務的發展向來與社會轉變息息相關。過 去一年,除了 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情外,本港社 會也發生了一些變化,令社會問題日益繁多, 同時對更生及康復服務的需求更趨多元化。我 深信,社會服務必須配合社會的轉變,發展更 專業的模式及更新穎的手法,才能為大眾提供 「以人為本」的社會服務。本會將繼續秉持「轉 化作貢獻,多元臻關愛」的精神,積極尋覓及推 展新的服務,與時並進,幫助服務使用者開拓 出路,向弱勢社群傳遞希望,為社會帶來正能 量。 新常態下 傳遞希望 數碼科技與生活息息相關,尤其在過去一年多 的疫情下,網上購物、瀏覽網上新聞、使用社 交媒體平台或線上會議軟件等,已成為許多市 民在「新常態」下的生活模式。因此,本會致力 完善軟硬件配備,支援同工及服務需要,期望 推動服務使用者參與及促進資訊科技社會發展 的權利,收窄數碼鴻溝。 There is no doubt that the development of social service had always been having close relation with societal changes which had induced more social problems. New and diversified needs for rehabilitation services also arose as a result. I believe only when social services were updated to cope with the latest social changes could the public receive people-oriented services that could tackle their needs. The Society would keep upholding the spirit of having “innovative mind with a social heart” to develop new services in cope with the social changes to create opportunities for the service users, and to deliver hope among the disadvantaged groups as well as the community. Deliver Hope in the New Normal The use of technology is closely related to our daily life. Online shopping, browsing the Internet version of news, online meeting and use of social media platform had been the lifestyle in the new normal. Hence, the Society had been striving to improve the hardware and software for the development of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) so as to support our staff in response to service needs in hope to promote the rights of our service users to participate and contribute to the development of information society in order to narrow digital divide between social disadvantaged groups. 李淑慧 Anthea LEE