SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

78 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 擴展小欖精神病治療中心職業治療服 務及開拓到校服務 職業治療服務團隊繼續為小欖精神病治療中心 提供定期服務。服務時間由五天服務擴展至週 六上午時段,以推行園藝治療,減少所員生活 在密閉環境中的壓力,促進認知能力和社交互 動。 此外,我們與人才發展及設施管理部合作,自 二零二一年一月在香港扶幼會則仁中心學校提 供 12 節服務。職業治療師運用感覺統合方式對 有特殊學習需要或行為問題的小學生進行個別 訓練,以提升其學習及課堂表現,協助適應及 融入學校及宿舍生活,改善他們的情緒健康。 培訓及顧問督導服務 由二零二零年起,我們為東華學院職業治療 學(榮譽)理學士學生提供臨床督導。在疫情期 間,恒常培訓及活動均受到影響,職業治療師 善用科技資源,本會員工及義工培訓改以線上 形式進行,鼓勵他們持續進修。 Expanding Occupational Therapy Service into Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre and Schools The Occupational Therapy Team continued to provide service to Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre of Hong Kong Correctional Service Department. We extended the 5-day service to the Saturday morning session to implement horticultural therapy, so as to reduce the stress of inmates due to living in a confined environment, and to further promote cognitive abilities and social interaction. Moreover, we have collaborated with Talent Development and Facilitates Management Division since January 2021 to provide a 12-session occupational therapy training at the Society of Boys’ Centres Chak Yan Centre School. We applied a sensory integration approach and targeted the primary students with special educational needs or behavioural issues, intending to improve the students’ academic and school performance, facilitate adaptation and integration to the school and residential environment, and ultimately improve their mental health. Professional Training and Advisory Since 2020, we have provided clinical supervision for placement students of the BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy of Tung Wah College. As the pandemic continued, standard forms of training activities were all affected, and we continued to provide various training activities online for the professionals and volunteers. 朗澄坊的復元人士完成為期三個月的「疾病管理及復元計 劃」小組,並獲得結業證書。 The persons in recovery from Placidity Place completed the 3-month “Illness Management and Recovery Programme” and received a certificate of completion. 職業治療師為本會義工提供網上培訓, 增加其對精神健康的認識。 Occupational therapist delivered online training sessions to enhance volunteers’ understanding of mental health.