SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

79 朗澄坊的復元人士參與「健康由舞做起」 身心健康小組。 The persons in recovery from Placidity Place participated in the “well-being group”. 提供多元化治療小組 我們推出「疾病管理及復元計劃」小組,以提升 復元人士的疾病自我管理技巧,達致臨床和個 人復元。我們亦與臨床心理服務合作在精神健 康綜合社區中心及中途宿舍舉辦「元認知訓練」 小組,協助復元人士對自己的認知陷阱有更加 深入的了解,例如輕率下結論、決策中過分自 信等。另增設「身心健康小組」及「痛症舒緩伸 展班」等,提升復元人士的身心健康及幸福感。 我們於疫情期間將部分實體小組改以線上形式 舉行,包括禪繞畫教學、高強度間歇性運動及 放鬆練習短片,並上傳到精神健康綜合社區中 心的社交媒體,讓復元人士在家練習,以提升 身心健康。 Provision of Evidence-based Therapeutic Groups We established the “Illness Management and Recovery” Programme in ICCMW, to enhance PIR’s illness self-management skills, and to achieve clinical and personal recovery. In collaboration with Clinical Psychology Service, we organised a “Meta-cognitive Training” group in ICCMWs and HWHs, with an aim to deepen PIR’s understanding of cognitive distortions, such as jumping to conclusions, and being overconfident in decision-marking, etc. In addition, we established a “well-being group” and “stretching group” for pain management to promote overall mind-body fitness and psychological well-being. We conducted services and activities online for PIR amid pandemic. Occupational Therapists filmed several video clips, including Zentangle patterns drawing, HIIT, and relaxation exercises, then uploaded them to the social media platform of ICCMWs for PIR to practice with the video to enhance their physical and mental well- being. 團隊於疫情期間拍攝短片並上傳至社交 平台,向社會大眾推廣精神健康。 The team filmed and uploaded video clip to social media platforms to promote mental well-being during the pandemic.