SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

81 職前準備及就業跟進 為服務使用者提供各類實習訓練及培訓課程, 讓他們體驗實際工作環境,裝備自己,增加日 後外出就業的信心。我們今年於僱員再培訓課 程內新增了特定服務對象課程,為殘疾人士提 供就業裝備。另外,我們亦跟進服務使用者就 業後情況,協助他們克服困難,提升其就業資 本,融入職場。 就業配對 協助服務使用者爭取全職或兼職工作機會,或 處理工作訂單,務求透過安排工作,有效解決 刑滿出獄更生人士或失業人士的經濟需要。 Pre-vocational Preparation and Post-placement Service With the help of different job placements and training programmes, service users can experience a real working environment, to equip themselves with relevant job skills and increase their confidence in seeking employment. This year, we newly operated ERB Courses for special target group, to better equip people with disabilities. We also provide post-placement services for users to increase their employability, help them to resolve their problems and assist them in entering the labour market. Job Matching We assist service users to gain working opportunities including full-time jobs, part-time jobs or job orders. We believe the financial needs of the newly discharged and the unemployed can be addressed through job arrangement. 職業發展服務以多元服務模式及介入手法, 協助服務使用者重新建立工作習慣、培養良好 工作態度和適應工作環境的能力,使他們能持 續工作,重建健康而有規律的生活。我們也致 力拓展青年培育及創業服務,鼓勵年青人及服 務使用者在就業以外,發掘其他機遇。總括而 言,服務內容分為三大類別:職前準備、就業 配對及青年培育和創業支援。 服務單位及計劃包括:就業安置組、就業拓展 組、「懲教所職業技能訓練課程」、職業復康中 心、「恒生青年前路探索計劃」、賽馬會「挑戰 你•想」計劃、僱員再培訓局「人才發展計劃」、 輔助就業服務、殘疾人士在職培訓計劃、「陽光 路上」培訓計劃、社創基金資助「社創社」及青 年發展基金資助「創勢代」。 By using a wide variety of service models and intervention approaches, Employment Development Services assist service users to re-establish proper work habits and attitudes, as well as the ability to adapt work environment with an aim to enable them to excel themselves, work continuously and live healthily with discipline. We put great efforts to provide empowerment programme and entrepreneurial support for youngsters and service users to explore other development opportunities. To conclude, our services are categorised into three main areas: pre- vocational preparation, job matching, youth empowerment and entrepreneurship support. There are different working units and programmes including Employment Development Unit, Employment Enhancement Unit, “Vocational Training Programme in Correctional Institutions”, Employment Rehabilitation Centre, “Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme”, “Jockey Club YouChallenge Programme”, Employees Retraining Board (ERB) “Manpower Development Scheme”, Supported Employment Service, On the Job Training Programme for People with Disabilities, “Sunnyway” — On the Job Training Programme for Young People with Disabilities, “BEHub” (funded by Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund) and “Startup Generation” (funded by Youth Development Fund) . 職業發展服務 Employment Development Services 服務 概覽 Service Overview