SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

82 青年培育及創業服務 我們為弱勢青年(更生青年、邊緣及受監管青 年)提供職涯評估及規劃、多元職涯及創業相 關學習與探索活動、創業輔導及支援、創業基 金、個人成長探索、設計思維及社會創新培 訓,和項目培育服務,協助他們有正面的改變 及發展,促進社會接納他們。 Youth Empowerment & Entrepreneurship Service We provide disadvantaged youths (rehabilitated youths, youths at risk and under custody) with career planning and assessment service, various career-related learning and exposure activities, entrepreneurship training and guidance, funding support, personal growth and exposure, design thinking and social innovation training, and project incubation service in order to enhance their motivation, and further facilitate positive youth development and foster social acceptance. 服務 數據 Service Data 全年服務人次 Total no. of participation served 參與計劃人數 No. of programme participants 120 238 恒生青年前路探索計劃 Hang Seng Youth Career Planning 全年服務人次 Total no. of participation served 參與實習人次 No. of job placement participation 職業復康中心 Employment Rehabilitation Centre 195 全年服務人次 Total no. of participation served 社創社 BEHub 250 參與計劃人數 No. of programme participants 「賽馬會挑戰你•想」計劃 Jockey Club YouChallenge Programme 645 2,530 設計思維及社會創新 訓練人次 No. of design thinking and social innovation training participants 556