SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

84 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 合作伙伴網絡發展 本會於二零二零年十月首度以網上直播形 式舉行「第七屆善導僱主嘉許禮」,並於本會 Facebook 專頁同步串流播放,藉此感謝並嘉許 一眾為支持服務使用者就業及推動創新合作的 僱主,本屆共有 37 間公司接受提名,其中 20 間 公司獲頒發「善導僱主獎」。為感謝合作伙伴的 長期支持,本會本年度提名 45 間公司參與並成 功獲香港社會服務聯會頒發的「商界展關懷」標 誌。 Working Partner Network Development We successfully hosted an online ceremony “The 7 th SRACP Benevolent Employment Awards Presentation Ceremony” for the first time in October 2020, livestreaming on the Society’s Facebook page. It aimed to recognise our benevolent employers for sparing no effort to support the employment of our service users and innovative cooperation. 37 employers were nominated this year and 20 of them were awarded the “Benevolent Employers of Rehabilitated Offenders Awards”. This year, we successfully nominated 45 corporations for “The Caring Company Scheme” of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, in recognition of their long-term support to us. 第七屆善導僱主嘉許禮得獎僱主與本會總幹 事合照。 Group photo of Chief Executive and awardees in The 7 th SRACP Benevolent Employment Awards Presentation Ceremony. ERB 年度頒獎禮 2020–21 得獎導師及僱主與 本會職員合照。 Group photo of staff and awardees in ERB Annual Award Presentation Ceremony 2020–21.