SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

85 We strive to develop network with employers and working partners. This year, a total of 20 new employers provided job vacancies to our service users. The accumulated number of employers collaborated has increased to 843. We also received job opportunities offered by employers in different sectors including exhibition, transportation, warehouse work, catering, construction work and cleaning. In addition, we cooperated with employers to provide workplace counselling service for employees to improve their work attitude. This year, 14 employees of our social enterprise, Bright Services Company Limited received services. With the support from Hang Seng Bank, we continued to launch the “Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme”, providing different career explorations, entrepreneurship coaching and seed money for the disadvantaged youths seek for and set up their career direction. It also assisted those potential young entrepreneurs in starting a business prototype, and accumulating practical business experiences. Furthermore, youths would be matched with related industry experts or entrepreneurs according to their interests, personalities and strengths to help them understand more about the reality of the industries they desired to work in, and thus to define their life goals. Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, we adopted the learning and exploration activities in a hybrid mode of the online and offline method, offering over 2,060 hours of the mentioned activities to 212 youths with the involvement and support from over 60 corporates or instructors. We utilised the scheme’s online platform to share information about entrepreneurship and employment and accept enrollment for learning and exposure activities so as to catch up with the needs of youths. 我們致力開拓僱主及合作夥伴網絡,本年度新 增 20 位僱主願意提供職位空缺,累積合作僱主 數目達 843 位。我們繼續與不同僱主合作,發 掘工作機會,包括展覽、搬運、倉務、飲食、建 築及清潔等。另外,我們為僱主所聘用的服務 使用者員工提供在職輔導,改善其工作態度。 本年,本會社企明朗服務有限公司有 14 位員工 接受支援服務。 我們獲恒生銀行支持繼續推行「恒生青年前路 探索計劃」,透過提供不同的職涯探索、創業支 援及起動資金,幫助弱勢青年尋覓及訂立職涯 方向,並為有意創業者起動生意初型,從實踐 中累積營商經驗。因應青年的興趣、性格及強 項,配對不同的行業專才或企業家協助提供各 體驗式行業學習與探索活動,讓他們進一步了 解期望投身的行業實況,確立人生目標。 2019 冠狀病毒肆虐,我們揉合以線上及線下方 式,為 212 名青年提供逾 2,060 小時的學習與探 索時數,及獲逾 60 間公司及影子學習導師的參 與及支持。我們亦善用計劃的網上平台,提供 網上創業及就業資訊,和接納學習與探索活動 報名等,以回應時下青年的需求。 青年參與「恒生青年前路探索計劃」 創業評審。 Youth participated in the entrepreneurship vetting of “Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme”. 「恒生青年前路探索計劃」為參加提供不同的 學習與探索活動。 “Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme” provided different learning and exploration activities for participants.