SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

86 賽馬會「挑戰你•想」計劃獲過百名商戶及其他 社會人士支持,於服務的線上及線下提供不同 類型的支援或贊助,以鼓勵及協助年青服務對 象有正面的突破。 服務質素監察及成效研究 本會年內榮獲不同獎項,包括在僱員再培訓局 周年審計獲最高「第一組」評級;以及在僱員再 培訓局年度頒獎禮 2020–21 上榮獲「 ERB 課程管 理獎」及「 ERB 就業服務獎」;而本會學員、導師 及僱主分別獲「 ERB 傑出學員獎」、「 ERB 優異導 師獎」、「 ERB 傑出僱主獎」及「 ERB 優異僱主獎」。 為更有效回顧服務成效,我們繼續於「恒生青 年前路探索計劃」引入「社會影響評估」監察計 劃成效,以了解本計劃對青年於未來職業取向 及提升個人能力的影響。賽馬會「挑戰你•想」 則以手機應用程式為服務主軸,團隊可從中獲 得相關數據,連同服務成效訪問作深入分析, 結果顯示本計劃有效接觸從未使用社會服務的 隱性弱勢青年,協助改善其生活習慣及方式, 以及加強他們與社區資源的聯繫。該以數據為 本的研究讓團隊以廣闊的角度分析及檢討服務 的成效,了解時下青年的需要,構思將來的青 年服務。 專業發展 為推動前線員工的專業發展,我們建立了一個 共學的會議平台,讓同工分享及交流不同個案 輔導方式、服務手法和經驗成效,加強同工應 用不同理論回應服務使用者的技巧。同時,我 們鼓勵同工參與不同培訓,包括設計思維的課 程設計及帶領技巧、職涯規劃,以及數碼和網 絡應用技巧等,以配合社會及機構的發展。 Jockey Club YouChallenge programme obtained over hundred individuals and corporates to provide both tangible and intangible support and sponsorship, to motivate and facilitate young service users to make positive breakthrough. Service Quality Control and Effectiveness Measure The Society was honoured with various awards this year, including the ERB Manpower Development Scheme had successfully passed the onsite management audit of ERB ’Comprehensive Annual Audit System’ and achieved ’Level One’, which is the highest ranking. Also, we were recognised as the “ERB Outstanding Award for Placement Services” at the ERB Annual Award Presentation Ceremony 2020-21. While our trainees, trainers and employers received the “ERB Outstanding Award for Trainees”, “ERB Merit Award for Trainers”, “ERB Outstanding Award for Employers” and “ERB Merit Award for Employers” respectively. To systematically review the services, we continued to incorporated the “social impact measurement” into the “Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme” in order to measure the scheme’s effectiveness on youth’s career choice making and enhancement of individual capacity. Furthermore, Jockey Club “YouChallenge” programme used mobile application as the major mode of service delivery, enabling us to access relevant data, together with the qualitative research conducted with the focus group and interviews. As a result, it indicated that the programme was effective in reaching out the hidden disadvantaged youths who had never obtained any social services, helping to improve their lifestyle and pattern of life and enhancing their connections to the social resources. The data-driven research provided a wider angle for the service team to evaluate the service effectiveness and service model. It also provided us insights to develop the youth services in the future. Professional Development In response to the professional development needs for front-line staff, we built a mutual learning platform for colleagues to exchange different counselling methods, service techniques and effective experiences, so as to consolidate their skills of responding service users’ needs with different approaches. Meanwhile, we encouraged colleagues to join diverse trainings, including the training of course design and facilitation for design thinking, career planning, and digital and web-based application skills to cope with the development of the society and the agency.