SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

87 課程發展 課程發展方面,我們在懲教院所內新增僱員再 培訓局「試算表 II 基礎證書(兼讀制)」、「職業普 通話 II 基礎證書(兼讀制)」及「四季色彩學 I (化 妝)基礎證書」 ; 並為公眾新增僱員再培訓局「營 養顧問助理基礎證書」、「雞尾酒調製技巧基礎 證書(兼讀制)」、「香薰美容 I 基礎證書(兼讀制)」 及「中醫藥保健概念基礎證書(兼讀制)」;及專 為殘疾及工傷康復人士新增「實用文職訓練基 礎證書」,以提供多元化及具市場潛力的課程。 Sustainability and Diversify of Innovation Cooperating with KOLs to Extend the Reach Among Youths 持續多元創新 與網絡紅人合作擴大服務接觸面 賽馬會「挑戰你 • 想」計劃與 KOL 合作,於社交平 台推出服務宣傳片段。 Jockey Club programme collaborated with KOL to produce and launch the promotional video on the social media platform. 為有效接觸更多隱性弱勢青年,賽馬會「挑戰 你•想」計劃與不同網絡紅人合作,透過他們 製作服務宣傳片段或帖文,並於其社交平台分 享與宣傳。其中一支影片更得到超過 40,000 觀 賞次數,此系列宣傳活動吸納逾 260 人登記, 並成功註冊為計劃的服務使用者及支持者。 To effectively reach more hidden disadvantaged youth, the Jockey Club YouChallenge programme collaborated with various popular KOLs by producing and broadcasting service promotional videos or posts, and then shared on their social media platform. One of the videos obtained over 40,000 views, and this series of digital marketing campaigns attracted more than 260 people to register as service users or supporters for the programme. Course Development In terms of course development, we organised new ERB “Foundation Certificate in Spreadsheet Processing II (Part-time)”, “Foundation Certificate in Vocational Putonghua II (Part-time)” and “Foundation Certificate in Colour Theory I (Seasonal Make-up) (Part-time)” for prisoners in correctional institutions. We also offered ERB “Foundation Certificate in Nutrition Therapist Assistant Training”, “Foundation Certificate in Preparation of Cocktail (Part-time)”, “Foundation Certificate in Aromatherapy for Beauty I (Part-time)” and “Foundation Certificate in Concepts of Chinese Medicine Healthcare (Part-time)” for general public; and “Foundation Certificate in Office Practice” for persons with disabilities and persons recovered from work injuries to provide diversified and market-oriented trainings.