SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

7 資訊科技支援 因應疫情,本會曾作出特別安排,包括維持有 限度服務、暫停大型活動等,同時亦積極尋求 各種方法,透過通訊、遠程科技產品及網絡應 用,與服務使用者保持聯繫,應對新常態下的 服務需要,包括在宿舍裝設配備各類社交電子 設備及機械人,讓服務使用者可以進行遙距探 訪及娛樂活動等,亦將傳統的服務轉化為有趣 及互動的網上活動,在疫情期間促進服務使用 者的身心健康。本會運用社會福利署的資助聘 請資訊科技大使協助服務單位運用資訊科技或 相關產品,提供線上服務、推行小組及活動, 同時協助同工推動及幫助服務使用者應用資訊 科技產品及通訊軟件,讓弱勢社群能認識及善 用數碼科技產品及服務,加快融入數碼化的社 會發展。 基層家庭支援計劃 對於基層家庭而言,在連基本上網設備也缺乏 的情況下,疫情下的日常生活更顯拮据。本會 承蒙招商局慈善基金會贊助,針對更生人士及 精神復元人士家庭在疫情下的服務需要,度身 為他們訂造名為「奇招解困憂」的服務計劃,支 援因疫情收入減少的家庭,紓緩與子女學習相 關的經濟壓力,包括提供書簿及校服津貼、義 務功課輔導、網上技術支援和義工探訪等,及 資助他們購買網上學習裝置及數據服務,並為 有需要學童安排各種工作坊,紓解疫情帶來的 焦慮情緒。計劃至今已為超過 40 個有需要家庭 提供支援。 走進校園 推廣身心健康 面對近年社會環境的轉變及挑戰,加上功課壓 力,學童精神健康問題備受關注。本會精神健 康綜合社區中心由二零二零年開始把精神健康 服務帶入校園,為中學生、家長及教職員提供 一站式的社區支援服務,傳遞正確的精神健康 知識。服務團隊以正向心理學的健康生活模式 為基礎,按不同階段設定目標和介入形式,以 切合青少年的多元需要。服務包括復元人士分 享會、社區導賞、朋輩訓練、生涯規劃及到校 動物輔助治療等。服務推行以來,廣受學校歡 迎,截至二零二一年三月計劃共服務了 1,395 位中學生。 ICT Support In light of the development of the COVID-19 infection, the Society had made special arrangements including the provision of basic and limited services and suspension of mass programmes. The Society had also been exploring various means to stay in close contact with the users by the application of ICT and use of online platforms in response to the service needs in the new normal, such as installing electronic equipment in hostels for the service users to participate in distance visit with their family members and to enjoy leisure activities online. We had also transformed our conventional offline services into online activities so as to promote the physical and mental health of our users. Moreover, the Society had employed IT ambassadors with the subvention of Social Welfare Department to assist our staff to provide online services by using IT as well as to help our users to integrate in the digital society by making optimum use of IT. Support Scheme for Low-income Families Life of low-income families with no internet services at home had been more difficult under COVID-19. Funded by China Merchants Foundation, the Society launched a Support Scheme to support the families of ex-offenders and persons in recovery with fallen household income in the epidemic. The Scheme eased the economic burden on these low-income households by funding the education expenses of their children such as offering tutorial support and IT support, as well as subsidy for textbook, school uniform and related electronic equipment for online learning. Volunteers were also arranged to visit these families and various workshops had been arranged for the children in need to resolve their anxiety in the epidemic. Extension of Mental Health Service to Schools The mental health issues of students had been calling for attention followed by the changing social environment and academic stress. Our Integrated Community Centres for Mental Wellness had been providing one-stop community support services for secondary school students, their parents and teaching staff to promote the knowledge of mental health. Our team designed different service objectives and intervention means for different stage of the students’ development based on the concept of healthy lifestyle of positive psychology theory in order to address various needs of different adolescents. The services included sharing of persons in recovery, community tour, peer training, career and life planning and on-site animal-assisted therapy at schools. The services were well received by the education sector and 1,395 secondary school students were served by the end of March 2021.