SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

88 設計思維及社創項目培訓 Design Thinking and Social Innovation Training 社創社舉辦第一屆專責小組聯合評核委 員會會議。 BEHub hosted the first joint vetting committee meeting. 社創社與「 Design for Hong Kong 」合力製作一套 全新的設計思維網上訓練。在 12 小時的訓練 中,職員協助參加者善用自身資源,以同理心 了解社會現況、學習定義問題,以創意協作建 立解決方案及闡述計劃。同時,社創社為讓參 加者成功展開社創項目,提供額外 8 小時的課 程,讓他們學習撰寫計劃書、財務基本知識及 管理、市場推廣及成效量度等。社創社在第一 屆共產生 103 個構思,並收到 74 個原型計劃書 及 8 個初創計劃書,最後共批出 8 原型及 1 個初 創項目。 BEHub co-worked with “Design for Hong Kong” to implement a new online training of design thinking. In the 12 hours training, staff members facilitated participants to utilise their own resources, understand the social phenomenon with empathy, learn to define problems, co-work for innovative solutions and to expound on the project. In addition, BEHub provided extra 8 training hours for participants to learn proposal writing, finance fundamentals and management, marketing promotion and impact measurement, so as to have a successful kick-off of the innovative social project. In cohort one, BEHub generated 103 innovative ideas, received 74 prototype proposals and 8 startup proposals. Eventually, 8 prototypes and 1 startup project were granted funding. 田灣冬日聖誕市集 「恒生青年探索計劃」於二零二零年十二月廿四 日至廿六日期間,在田灣商場舉辦「田灣冬日 聖誕市集」, 12 位青年參與攤位的擺賣,包括 售賣手製飾物、人手畫作、茶品、泰國生活用 品等,透過真實的營運體驗,他們從中可了解 自己的商品於市場的反應,進一步改善營運模 式。 社創社正進行意念醞釀培訓。 BEHub was conducting an idea generation training. Tin Wan Christmas Market “Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme” hosted the Tin Wan Christmas Market from 24 to 26 December 2020 at Tin Wan Shopping Centre. As the store owners, 12 youths sold their products, including handmade accessories, drawings, tea and Thai household products, etc. Through having real business experience, they could have a better understanding of their business and products, which helped them to evaluate and improve their business model.