SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

89 服務使用者參與九龍城區「助更生活動」 的食品工場實習崗位。 Service users participated in an internship programme to experience working in food factories. 助更生活動 Rehabilitation activities 我們致力開發各種實習的工作崗位,本年度獲 九龍城區和東區民政事務署支持,先後舉行兩 次地區性實習計劃,除開拓區內的實習崗位, 例如客戶服務員、回收員、汽車維修員、文員 等,亦協助求職者重建工作習慣,以準備重投 就業市場。 This year, with the support from Kowloon City District and Eastern District Home Affairs Department, we have organised two regional internship programmes for service users. Not only did the programmes expand the regional internship positions, such as customer service workers, recycling workers, car maintenance workers and clerks, etc., but also assisted the service users who were looking for job to rebuild their working habit and to re-enter the job market. 「工」屋計劃 「工」屋計劃與僱主合作,為獲聘的服務使用者 在工作地點附近安排住所,既解決其住屋需 要,亦舒緩經濟壓力。計劃服務已開展超過三 年,至二零二一年三月完成,對服務使用者重 建穩定生活有很大幫助。 “Working House” Project In order to solve the housing needs and economic difficulties of s e r v i c e u s e r , we co l l abo r a t ed wi t h emp l oy e r s t o implement”Working House” project to arrange jobs and accommodations for service users. The project ran over 3 years and was completed in March 2021, which significantly impacted the service users to rebuild a stable life.