SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

90 服務 概覽 Service Overview 業務發展 運輸業務 搬運工作是明朗成立時發展的首項業務,至今 已經營超過二十年。面對激烈市場競爭、社會 疫情環境影響,明朗積極拓展不同商業機會, 為社會各界客戶提供優質的運輸服務,包括 不同政府部門及社會服務團體、百佳超級市 場(香港)有限公司、香港中文大學等。運輸業 務為更生人士及其他弱勢提供 721 人次就業機 會,總營業額為港幣 $1,257,251.72 元。 清潔業務 明朗主要發展家居、辨公室及院舍清潔市場, 提供一次性深層潔淨、洗地打蠟及特效無臭滅 蟲服務,與一般家務助理不同。因應新冠肺炎 疫情的市場需要,明朗積極與合作伙伴拓展服 務,向公私營機構提供 ZOONO 長效消毒抗菌 塗層服務。各項服務更能充份運用社區的生產 力,為弱勢社群提供更多發展機會。清潔業務 年內提供 3,294 人次就業機會,總營業額為港 幣 $1,494,376.40 元。 Business Development Removal and Logistic Business BS has been providing removal and logistic service for 20 years. While facing intense market competition, coronavirus epidemic and social environment, BS actively sought for different opportunities and continued to provide quality service to various customers, including different government departments and non- governmental organisations, PARKnSHOP (HK) Limited and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. A total of 721 job opportunities were created for ex-offenders and underprivileged at a transaction amount of HK$1,257,251.72. Cleaning Business BS focused on developing its household, office and hostel cleaning market by providing one-off in-depth cleaning, stain removal and waxing, and pest control services, which were different from those provided by domestic helpers. Owing to the market need in the coronavirus epidemic, BS actively collaborated with working partners in providing ZOONO long-lasting antimicrobial treatment to different public and private institutions. All these services can tap into community resources and create more development opportunities for the underprivileged. Its cleaning service provided 3,294 job opportunities and generated a total transaction amount of HK$1,494,376.40. 本會轄下社會企業 — 明朗服務有限公司(明朗) 於一九九七年成立,至今營運超過二十年。明 朗一直為更生人士及其他弱勢社群提供就業 機會,協助他們發揮潛能,增強市場競爭力; 與此同時積極提升業務,追求持續發展。為配 合社會發展及市場需求,明朗繼續調整業務範 疇,致力為客戶提供優質的服務。 A social enterprise established by the Society in 1997, Bright Services Company Limited (BS) has been operating for over 20 years. Proactively enhancing its business and sustainability, BS provides a great variety of job opportunities to assist ex-offenders and the under-privileged in increasing their competitiveness by capitalizing on their potential. To provide the best quality of service to our customers, the scope of our services will be adjusted according to the changes in market needs and society development. 社會企業 Social Enterprise 明朗於疫情期間提供 ZOONO 長效消毒抗菌塗層服務。 Bright Service provided ZOONO long lasting antimicrobial treatment during the pandemic.