SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

91 展覽業務 明朗繼續與亞洲國際博覽館緊密合作,於大 型展覽、演唱會、宴會及其他活動提供人力支 援,使不少更生人士獲得穩定工作,核心團隊 成員由 20 多名更生人士及其他弱勢社群人士組 成。明朗更積極求變,以 Smart Exhibition 品牌拓 展其他活動及展覽業務,增加不同工作機會。 因疫情影響,展覽業務面對非常嚴峻的經營環 境,業務年內仍提供 777 次工作機會,總營業 額為港幣 $636,316 元。 Exhibition Business BS continued to collaborate closely with the AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited to provide workforce support for different large-scale exhibitions, concerts, banquets and events, thus providing stable jobs to set up the core staff team of more than 20 ex-offenders and others underprivileged. Furthermore, its business scope had been extended through the brand of Smart Exhibition to other outside events and exhibitions in order to create more different job opportunities. This year, the exhibition business faced a severe business environment in the face of the coronavirus epidemic. It provided 777 job opportunities while the total transaction amount reached HK$636,316. 烘焙業務 — 甦爐 明朗於二零一八年五月在柴灣興民邨開設的 麵包咖啡店「甦爐」,生意漸上軌道,除售賣不 含人造改良劑的麵包餅點外,亦出品自家品牌 月餅,並承接公司、幼稚園大量訂購及到會服 務,以及度身訂製烘焙類禮品服務。本年度總 營業額為港幣 $1,325,442 元,為 6 名更生人士及 其他弱勢社群人士提供在職培訓及工作機會。 Bakery — Sobakery SoBakery is in operation at Hing Man Estate, Chai Wan, since May 2018. While the business was getting on track, SoBakery not only provided healthy bakery products with high quality, but also produced moon cake as well as offered bulk purchases and tailor- made bakery products services for corporates and organisations. A total transaction amount of HK$1,325,442 was generated. It provided 6 employment and training opportunities to ex-offenders and others underprivileged. 順聯控股(香港)有限公司聯同甦爐向 興民邨長者及殘疾人士送出 700 盒中 秋月餅。 Sunlink Holdings (H.K.) Ltd. sponsored 700 boxes of mooncake made by SoBakery to elders and persons with disability living in Hing Man Estate. 綜合維修業務 好修成綜合維修服務得到社創基金的贊助,於 二零一七年初正式投入運作,為長者及殘疾人 士提供優惠的家居維修服務,以提升其家居安 全,並同時聘請更生人士及精神復元人士為維 修技工助理,由專業維修技工以師徒形式教導 維修技巧,讓他們未來可於此行業發展。業務 也以合理價錢為一般家庭及商業客戶提供優質 的裝修及維修服務。因應持續疫情,好修成於 本年度進行業務重整,以備將來可行發展。 Maintenance Service Business With the support of SIE fund, Good Harvest Maintenance Service started to operate under BS in early 2017. Good Harvest aims to improve the household safety of the elderly and people with disability by providing low-price maintenance service. Besides, Good Harvest provides apprenticeship and job opportunity to ex- offender and persons in recovery who would receive on-the-job training under the instruction of maintenance technician, so that they would be able to develop their career in this maintenance service. Good Harvest provided quality maintenance and renovation services to general household and corporate customers at a reasonable price. This year, Good Harvest underwent a business restructure for further development in respond to the coronavirus epidemic. SoBakery