SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

94 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 疫境新常態 服務無疆界 為讓兒童及青少年在疫情下「停課不停學」, 我們自去年四月開展一系列「谷 GO ONLINE 」網 上預防犯罪教育活動,培育參加者成為良好公 民。我們亦透過視訊會議工具為學校及社福機 構度身訂造不同活動,例如 Lego 小組和藝術小 組,讓參加者認清違法後果。年內共提供 413 節服務,當中網上活動為 322 節。 為提升大眾對與抗疫相關法例的認識,同時收 集他們對預防犯罪服務的意見,本單位去年四 月至五月期間推行兩次「抗疫識法及預防犯罪 教育意見調查」,共收集 757 份問卷;隨後六月 邀請兒童及青少年義工參與拍攝「老少咸宜記 者會」,並於社交平台發佈調查結果。此外,我 們於二零二一年二月份舉行「谷 Go City Hunt 」, 透過城市定向活動傳遞預防犯罪訊息。 甦星劇團因疫情未能於劇場公開演出,我們遂 邀請團員錄製廣播劇,並於社交平台推出「蛻 變 • 同行」分享集,向公眾傳遞助更生訊息。 在劇團成立四週年之際,舉辦「甦星尋人啟示 LOOK 」之我是甦 Sing 人歌唱比賽,藉以發掘同 行者。此外,香港藝術發展局邀請劇團成為「賽 馬會藝壇新勢力 2020 – 2021 」參與團體,與「不 加鎖舞踊館」協作推行「非關舞蹈」社區連繫工 作坊。 Services Without Border During the Pandemic To achieve “suspending classes without suspending learning” amid the pandemic, we launched a series of online crime prevention educational activities for the general public, aiming to nurture participants to be good citizens. Meanwhile, most programmes shifted to an online version to continue providing service to schools and NGOs through video conferencing technology. We provided 413 sessions of service during the year, of which 322 sessions were conducted online. In order to raise public awareness and knowledge on the regulations related to the COVID-19, as well as collecting their opinions on our crime prevention services, we conducted two rounds of online survey between April and May last year, a total of 757 surveys were collected. We then invited children and youth volunteers to participate in a filming activity “ 老少咸宜記者會 ”, that simulated a press conference, and then released the video and survey result on social media platform. Also, we held a city hunt event “ 谷 Go City Hunt “in February 2021 to promote the crime prevention message to the public. Under the pandemic, STAR Theatre could not have any public performance, so we invited the members to record a radio drama and write their heartfelt wishes, then launched on social media platform, in order to promote the message of “support rehabilitated ex-offenders”. On the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the STAR Theatre, we organised a singing contest to explore a new partnership. In addition, Hong Kong Arts Development Council invited STAR Theatre to be a participating group under the “Jockey Club New Arts Power 2020 – 2021”. Members collaborated with “Unlock Dancing Plaza” to organise various community workshop and performance. 疫情下度身訂做積木小組與幼稚 園學生探討情緒。 The lego group conducted via Zoom for kindergarten students to learn about emotions. 「老少咸宜記者會」拍攝完成後,合唱團成員與本會同工開心合 照。 Group photo with volunteers after the press conference.