SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

95 攜手抗疫 傳送關愛 本會去年獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金贊助成立 「玩具圖書館」計劃。本單位去年四月下旬透過 贈送或借用不同玩具,向有需要的家庭提供適 切的學習資源和玩具娛樂,讓兒童在疫境中繼 續學習和紓解鬱悶的情緒。活動於六月下旬結 束,共向區內 585 個有需要家庭提供了 795 次服 務。 童心童樂合唱團在疫情期間雖未能到社區演 出,團員於十二月期間籌備了聖誕社區送暖行 動「寒冷中的太陽」,將愛心禮物送予黃大仙區 議員辦事處,再轉贈社區有需要人士。 Unite to Fight Virus Share Love and Compassion With the support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, we provided a “Happy Learning Thro Play” project from April to June 2020 with an aim to provide support to low-income families. Children could borrow age-appropriate toys and story books at TeenGuard Valley (TGV) and take consumable toys home for free. The Toys Library Service served 795 sessions in total, which came from 585 families. In times of epidemic, Choir could not have public performance or visit the elderly centre. Members initiated a special community service “ 寒冷中的太陽 ” for the people in need in Wong Tai Sin District, which they prepared gift pack with handmade origami and drawings for dissemination. 合唱團成員正準備愛心禮物給有需要的社區人士。 Gift prepared by Choir members. 地區宣傳:「滅罪 • 助更生」 本單位與大埔區及黃大仙區撲滅罪行委員會合 作,分別為區內小學及中學提供服務。前者舉 行「 3C 教室」,三個 C 分別代表 Choice 、 Crime 及 Court ,透過多元的互動活動及更生人士分享, 帶出選擇、違法與刑責後果的關係,並讓參 加者認識法庭審訊程序。後者則舉行「選擇劇 場 Foresee 4C 」, 代 表 Chance 、 Choice 、 Crime 及 Change ,讓學生親身參與戲劇活動,一同投選 結局,讓參加者明白違法者的改變。 Community Work: Crime Prevention and Support for Rehabilitated Ex-offenders In collaboration with Tai Po District and Wong Tai Sin District Fight Crime Committee, we provided services to primary schools and secondary schools in respective districts. The former, “3C 教室 ” represents Choice, Crime and Court with the aim to enhance students’ awareness to stay away from crime by employing diversified activities such as video and peer sharing. The latter, through the performance of a short play “Theatre of Choices Foresee 4C” stands for Chance, Choice, Crime and Change, students co-created the ending by participating in a series of drama activities. 玩具圖書館盛載琳瑯滿目的玩 具,冀能為兒童帶來歡樂。 Children were excited for the Toy Library service.