SRACP 2020-2021 Annual Report

96 模擬法庭 • 公義教育計劃 2019 – 2021 「模擬法庭 • 公義教育計劃」提供多元法治及公 義教育活動,提升青少年對法治、公義、公民 責任等的認識,並訓練其獨立批判思考,從而 達致預防犯罪的目標。二零一九至二零二零年 度計劃獲得黃英豪博士伉儷贊助,受疫情影 響順延到本學年進行。獲各持份者的配合及 支持,模擬法庭比賽最終於二月廿七日及廿 八日,分別在香港社會服務聯會、學校及青衛 谷,以線上線下的混合模式進行,合共 32 間中 學完成 16 場對賽。 Mock Trial-Justice Education Project 2019 – 2021 Mock Trial-Justice Education Project strives for providing diversified programmes to adolescents so as to deepen their understanding of the rule of law, social justice and citizenship; and develop their ability of critical thinking. The 2019/2020 Project received support from Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy Wong, which was postponed to this school year due to the epidemic. Nevertheless, with the support of different stakeholders, Mock Trial Competition was successfully held in The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, schools and TGV with the online and hybrid mode, respectively on 27 th and 28 th February 2021. A total of 32 secondary schools were joined, and 16 competitions were held. 與大館合作:古蹟教育劇場 本會連續第三年成為大館的合作伙伴,為高小 至中學生提供古蹟教育劇場,主題包括「裕盛 辦館毒麵包案」及「香港廢死之路」。本年度,我 們為高小學生設計新故事。學生透過教育劇場 及角色扮演,理解香港司法制度的發展和香港 昔日的死刑制度,從而反思相關政策。 Collaborating with Tai Kwun: Heritage Education Courtroom Theatre The Society continued to collaborate with Tai Kwun to hold activities in Tai Kwun’s heritage atmosphere for senior primary to secondary students. Besides the two themes of “The Yu Shing Poison Bread Incident” and “The Road to Abolishment of Death Penalty in Hong Kong”, a new story was developed this year for senior primary students. Through the theatre, students could learn the development of criminal justice system in Hong Kong. Also it encouraged them to reflect more on the consequences and implications of one’s criminal behaviour. 模擬法庭比賽於青衛谷舉行。 Mock Trial Competition was organised at TGV. 模擬法庭比賽特設網上陪審團,嶄新嘗試克 服疫情限制。 Mock Trial Competition featured with an online jury, which was a new attempt to overcome epidemic restrictions.