
2 機構簡介 About Us 香港善導會(前稱釋囚協助會)創立於一九五七 年,為政府認可的註冊慈善團體。早年由於經 費短缺,工作人員皆以義務性質為主。惟經過 兩年之全力以赴經營,本會工作漸受社會人士 重視。由一九五九年起,本會獲得政府財政支 持,刑釋人員康復工作由此全面展開。一九六 六年九月二十三日,本會正式註冊為非牟利有 限公司,每年主要的經費皆由政府資助。 我們致力促進「自在共融」,透過不同服務單位 提供優質而專業的康復及多元化服務,以協助 涉嫌觸犯法紀、曾違法及刑滿釋放的香港居民 康復更生,並提供社區教育、預防犯罪及精神 健康服務予社會大眾。服務種類包括個人和家 庭輔導、住宿服務、社交及興趣發展活動、法 院社工、培訓及就業服務、就業安置、精神健 康服務、社區教育和義工活動等。本會將秉持 「同你心同你行」的精神為弱勢社群服務。 本會是香港社會服務聯會及香港公益金的 會員。 願景 致力締造包容而安全的社會,並成為一所有聲 望的社會服務機構。 使命 香港善導會提供優質康復及多元化的服務,以 協助曾違法人士改過遷善、推展預防犯罪及匡 助有需要人士的精神健康。 核心價值 專業精神為基礎,追求卓越齊學習 相互尊重顯關懷,夥伴合作創佳績 The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong (SRACP), formerly known as The Hong Kong Discharged Prisoners’ Aid Society, is a government recognised charitable organisation established in 1957. Because of limited financial resources at early stage, most of the staff at that time was voluntary part-time workers. With the dedication and perseverance, the work of the Society gradually came to be recognised and valued by the public. In 1959 the Society received its first government subvention and since then yearly subvention has been granted to sustain the rehabilitation service for offenders and discharged prisoners. The Society was incorporated as a non-profit making limited company under the Companies Ordinance on 23 September 1966. SRACP is committed to promoting “Everyone deserves to belong” and provides quality rehabilitation and multifarious services for Hong Kong residents who are charged with a criminal offence, have been convicted of crimes, or released from prisons; as well as to provide community education, mental health service and crime prevention programmes for the general public of Hong Kong. Our services include individual and family counselling, accommodation, social and interest development activities, court social work, vocational training and employment, mental health service, community education and volunteer programmes, etc. The Society continues to help excluded people reintegrating into society by providing understanding and unwavering support. The Society is a member of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and the Community Chest of Hong Kong. Vision A renowned organisation contributing to the development of an inclusive and safe society. Mission SRACP exists to provide quality rehabilitation and multifarious services for the betterment of ex-offenders, for the prevention of crimes and the mental wellness of persons in need. Core Values Professionalism (Pursuing excellence with a learning culture) Caring (Treating people with respect) Partnership (Working well together to achieve common goals)