
3 香港善導會的歷史可追溯至 1955 年,當時聖公 會聖匠堂找來百多名釋囚參與協助紅磡聖匠堂 的建築工程,開始了最早期的釋囚康復工作。 工程完成後,這羣釋囚頓失生計,區炳南牧師 逐把他們安置在堂內的青年工友之家暫住, 兩年後香港釋囚協助會成立,由區牧師和一班 兼職志願工作者管理並逐漸發展,至 1982 年改 名為善導會,及後在 2001 年更名為「香港善導 會」。機構札根香港六十五年,時至今天,我們 致力透過不同服務單位提供優質康復及多元化 服務 , 以協助涉嫌觸犯法紀、曾違法及刑滿釋放 的香港居民康復更生,並提供社區教育、預防 犯罪及精神健康服務予社會大眾。 六十五週年是本會一重要里程碑。為了更有效 地提供適切的服務予有需要的弱勢社群,我 們力爭資源,以深化服務。奈何在疫情未止的 新常態下,本會只能把握時間靈活舉行專業學 術活動和籌募活動,務求盡量讓大眾有機會接 觸、認識並支持本會服務發展。本會亦藉六十 五週年啟動機構「品牌革新計劃」,研究、檢視 並重新定義服務理念、特色和為未來的宣傳和 品牌規劃定下基礎。在本年報的最尾,大家將 可以見到我們未來的全新面貌。 過去,我們堅定不移,緊守專業﹔將來,我們 將更努力建立連繫,協助被忽視的弱勢社群自 在共融。下個六十五年,我們繼續「同你心 同 你行」。 The history of the Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong(SRACP) can be traced back to 1955. At that time, the Sheng Kung Hui Sheng Carpenter’s Church recruited more than a hundred discharged prisoners to assist in the construction of the Hung Hom Holy Carpenter’s Church, which began the earliest rehabilitation work for the discharged prisoners. The group of discharged prisoners lost their livelihoods after the completion of the project. Therefore, Pastor Au placed them in the young workers’ home in the church. Two years later, Pastor Au and a group of part-time volunteer workers established The Hong Kong Discharged Prisoners’ Aid Society. It was renamed as The Society for the Rehabilitation of Offenders, Hong Kong in 1982, and the Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong (SRACP) in 2001. As rooted in Hong Kong for 65 years, SRACP provides quality rehabilitation and multifarious services for Hong Kong residents who are charged with a criminal offence, have been convicted of crimes, or released from prisons; as well as to provide community education, mental health service and crime prevention programmes for the general public. The 65 th anniversary is a historic milestone for SRACP. In order to effectively provide timely and appropriate services to disadvantaged groups, we strive for resources and cooperations to improve and expand our services. Under the new normal of the epidemic situation, it is very challenging to arrange different professional and fundraising activities, however, we seize every opportunity to raise awareness and seek public support for our service development. SRACP also launched the “Rebranding Project” on its 65 th anniversary to research, review and redefine the service impact and brand characteristics. The project establishes a foundation for future promotion and brand development and we are glad to share our brand-new image at the end of this annual report. We have been pursuing professionalism with our perseverance and will keep walking side by side with excluded people in the future. We promise to embrace the “Understanding. Unwavering” spirit in the next 65 years. 六十五 週年 65 th Anniversary