
6 2017 2022 開展新社會企業及社會房屋計劃 Established new social enterprise and social housing scheme 成 立 首 個 精 神 健 康 服 務 社 會 企業「天愛坊室內種植場」及好 「修」成小型家居維修支援。 Established the first mental health service social enterprise “Tranquility Indoor Farm” and “Good Harvest Maintenance Service” 為了協助更生人士在重投社會的過渡階段改善居住環境, 本會發展「甦屋計劃」(簡稱「甦屋」)。 In order to improve the living environment during the transitional stage of rehabilitation, SRACP started to develop the “So Uk Project — Social Housing & Co-living” (“So Uk” Project). 2019 本會重建筲箕灣宿舍並發展「賽馬會箕寓」大樓,預計 2024 年落成。 The “Key House” funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (Shau Kei Wan House redevelopment project) is expected to complete in 2024. 本會有幸獲得房屋局的信任和支持,參與大埔及紅磡兩個 過渡性房屋計劃,兩個計劃預計於 2024 年完成建築工程。 With the trust and support from Housing Bureau, SRACP is subsidised to develop two Transitional Housing Projects in Tai Po and Hung Hum respectively. The estimated date of completion is 2024.