
總幹事報告 Chief Executive’s Report 8 李淑慧 Ms. Anthea LEE Shuk-wai 剛過去的一年是本會65周年,秉承 着65年來的智慧和成果,機構繼往開來,進 行品牌重塑,包括更換新標誌、建立英文品牌名 稱SideBySide,以及簡化中文名稱為「善導會」。新品牌 面貌象徵我們會以創新的手法實踐「締造自在共融和安全健 康的社會」的機構願景,以回應新時代的需要。因此,在過去一 年,除了一系列的慶祝65周年活動,我們亦不斷向前,對內進行優 化組織管理措施,提升中央統籌功能;對外積極透過以實踐為本的研 究成果來策劃機構發展計劃及推動政策倡議,並加強與地區的聯繫及 協作,促進社區共融。 Last year marked the 65th anniversary of SideBySide. A rebranding project was launched adhering to the service wisdom and achievements of the past 65 years. A new logo and a new English brand name “SideBySide” were established, at the same time our Chinese name was simplified as “ 善導會 ”. The new brand appearance symbolised that innovative methods were adopted to actualise our vision of “creating a inclusive, safe and healthy society where people feel they belong” to respond to the social needs of the new era. Therefore, in the past year, in addition to a series of activities to celebrate our 65th anniversary, we continued optimising internal organisational management measures and enhancing the ability of our central functions. Moreover, organisational development through practice-based research results as well as policy initiatives were planned to strengthen collaboration with the local stakeholders to promote community inclusion.