106 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 我們與本地不同公司合作提供各種工作機會予 肢體傷殘人士及精神復元人士,包括資訊科技 公司聘用肢體傷殘人士為地理訊息系統助理, 過程中因材施教,並配合科技補足員工的身體 限制,讓其發揮所長。另外,本服務亦參與「迪 士尼伴你同行計劃」,轉介和配對殘疾人士就 業,致力推動多元共融工作文化。 We cooperated with different local companies to provide various job opportunities for the physically challenged persons and the persons in mental recovery. We connected with information technology company to employ physically disabled users as geographic information system assistants. During the process, we collaborated with the employer to teach users in accordance with their aptitude and utilised technology to help them overcome their physical limitations so as to unleash their potentials. In addition, we also participated in the “Disney Side-by-Side Journey”, by referring and matching disabled individuals to suitable jobs and promoting a diverse and inclusive working culture. 恒生青年前路探索計劃協助 29 歲的 Jonathan 展開音樂教學及製作事業。 Hany Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme helped Jonathan, aged 29 to start his music teaching and production business. 本服務帶同服務使用者參與 香港迪士尼招聘會,獲聘之 服務使用者即場接受電視媒 體訪問。 Our staff accompanied service users to participate in the job fair. They were successfully hired and interviewed by the TV media. 有特殊學習需要的學生體驗資訊科技行業。 Students with SEN explored IT industry.
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