
9 加強專業賦能提升⾏政效率 機構於去年致力透過中央部門的功能優化,以 專業方法加強整體的管理效能。首先,我們正 式運行人力資源管理系統 (GoHRM) ,採用數碼 自動化的系統方案,讓同工能以更簡單、更符 合成本效益的工作方式處理人事相關的行政 工作。 此外,本會的機構傳訊部亦因應更換新標誌及 英文品牌名稱 SideBySide 的品牌革新項目而改 革成為品牌及傳訊部。新部門有助機構以更專 業和具時代感的新形象接觸公眾,讓我們的服 務能被公眾看見及在社會上廣傳,從而讓社區 中更多邊緣群組受惠。 為配合興建過渡性房屋及前北九龍裁判法院 活化計劃,本會於去年成立建築及設施管理部 門,透過專業人士推動建築項目,因應服務需 求和目標制定相應的設施規劃,並確保建築工 程順利進行。 積極謀劃策略 掌握未來發展 機構發展須訂定清晰目標,方能行穩致遠;而 機構目標亦須對社會需要有準確診斷,才能對 症下藥。數年的疫情喚醒了人們對健康的需求 及關注,本會因此以健康為本,提出「預防 + 」 為機構的發展策略主題,目標為社會構建及加 強預防犯罪及建立利社會因素,透過幫助服務 使用者建立能保護他們免於法網及精神疾病 的資本,協助他們建立正面健康的生活模式, 猶如為社區的健康接種疫苗。就此發展策略主 題,本會制定了五項發展重點以貫穿 2020+5 發 展策略。 Improve Administrative Efficiency By Strengthening Professional Empowerment Last year, we were committed to enhancing the overall management effectiveness through optimisation of central functions. A human resources management system namely GoHRM was launched. The adoption of the digital automation system solution allowed colleagues to handle personnel-related administrative work in a simpler and more cost-effective way. In addition, our Corporate Communications Division was also reformed into Brand and Communications Division in response to the rebranding project. The division helped the organisation reach out to the public with a new professional and contemporary image, allowing our services to be seen by the public and spread widely in the community, thereby benefiting more marginalised groups in the society. In order to cooperate with the construction of transitional housing projects and the revitalisation of Former North Kowloon Magistracy, Building and Facilities Management Division was established last year to conduct construction projects through professionals and to formulate corresponding facility plans according to service needs and objectives, as well as to ensure the smooth progress of construction projects. Proactive Strategic Plan to Grasp Future Development Clear goals addressing social need concretely must be set for achieving steady and long-term organisational development must set clear goals in order to achieve steady and long-term development. The epidemic over the past few years had raised people’s awareness of health. Therefore, SideBySide had established a health-element-based strategic theme namely “Prevention+”. It was aimed to develop an inclusive and safe society by the betterment of ex-offenders and enhancement of mental wellness of people in need, which was like vaccinating the health of the community and increasing the level of community immunity. Service users could then build protective capital that can protect them from legal consequences and mental illness, and to help them establish a positive and healthy lifestyle. On this development strategy theme, we had formulated five strategic plans to run through the 2020+5 Strategic Plan.