
10 總幹事報告 Chief Executive’s Report Strategic Plan (1) — Peer Service We had always been hoping to transform the lives of our service users through the comprehensive implementation of the “P.E.E.R. System” (Pathway of Enlightenment & Enabling to thRive) among the agency. A conference on application and development of peer support service was conducted one of the 65th anniversary celebrations last year. Professionals from Shenzhen, Singapore, Australia and other cities as well local NGOs were invited to participate in the conference. Cross-border sharing and discussion of peer services brought together professionals from different sectors to share and exchange in different areas such as mental health, support for carer, community integration and social rehabilitation to integrate peer services from different sectors. A sharing session on prevention of sexual offenses was also conducted. The journey of a sexual ex-offender was made the main theme, and was supplemented by the sharing of psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers and other professionals. The possible causes of crime, rehabilitation needs and the importance of community support services for sexual offenders after their release or probation were analysed and elaborated so as to encourage the public to support the rehabilitation of sexual offenders. Strategic Plan (2) — Development of social intelligence with database of “up-to-date solutions In light of social changes and the hard-hit of the epidemic in recent years, we had been reflecting on the traditional social service model which might not be able to timely respond to social needs arising from a dynamically changing society. In the past year, we had trial run a trauma-informed care and resilience model in 11 service units as an approach to develop a Social Intelligence Model for serving social incident (SI) — SI Service Model. Groups and activities such as seminars on philosophy or career and family support groups also included the elements of the model. At the same time, data was collected in hope to establish a social intelligence service model that the new model could also respond to dynamic social needs and different service users in the future. 發展重點(一) — 朋輩服務 本 會 期 望 透 過 全 面 實 踐「朋 輩 啟 能」系 統 (P.E.E.R. System) ,轉化本會服務使用者的生 命。在過去的 65 週年慶祝活動中,其中一項為 「轉化作貢獻」研討會 2023 ,研討會以朋輩支援 服務應用及未來發展為主題,邀請深圳、新加 坡、澳洲等地及本地多間機構進行跨地域的分 享及討論朋輩服務,匯聚不同界別的專業人士 就精神健康、照顧者支援、社區融合、更生康 復等不同範疇進行服務分享同交流,整合不同 界別的朋輩服務。 此外,本會亦舉辦了「講理性 — 跨專業預防性 違法分享會」,以一位性違法過來人的經歷作 主軸,帶出心理學家、精神科醫生、社會工作 者等多個專業角色分享及分析罪行可能成因、 康復需要及性違法人士獲釋或感化後社區支援 服務的重要,從而鼓勵大眾支持性違法更生人 士的康復。 發展重點(二) — 建立社會智能服務 模式 社會事件及新冠疫情對香港帶來深遠影響,也 使我們反思過往的傳統社會服務模式未必能及 時回應因突發狀況所帶來的社會問題。本會於 上年度於 11 個服務單位試行了創傷知情照顧 及抗逆力模型,發展「社會智能服務模式 — 社 會事件服務模型」以服務社會事件相關人士, 把模式概念融入哲學講座、就業講座及家人支 援小組等小組及活動以提升服務使用者的抗逆 力。我們亦會在服務中收集相關數據以建立社 會智力服務模式,可於日後應對新生的社會需 要,服務不同背景的服務使用者。