
11 Strategic Plan (3) — Development of SideBySide’s index Compared to crime types such as drug abuse or domestic violence, cybercrime has a much broader reach in terms of the target audience. Focusing on this crime trend, we would establish a research topic to reflect the related up-to-date social phenomena. By developing a “Cybercrime Victimisation Index”, we wished to raise public awareness of the potential risks of cybercrime and help individuals to understand how to protect themselves from cybercrime, so that our mission of crime prevention could be achieved. Strategic Plan (4) — Equip colleagues with both clinical and management competencies Talent is the key pillar underpinning our agency to thrive. To facilitate our diversified service development, we need both clinical and management talents. In the past year, we endeavored to equip colleagues with both clinical and management competencies through arranging internal and external trainings, implementing job attachment schemes and facilitating knowledge and experience exchange among colleagues. We also arranged potential colleagues to participate in the Design Thinking training programme, with a view to encouraging colleagues to implement design thinking mindset in their daily work and hence enhance service delivery in the long run. 發展重點(三) — 建立善導會指標 網絡罪行是現時全球增長最快和破壞力最強的 犯罪活動之一,引起我們的關注。與吸毒或家 庭暴力等犯罪類型相比,網路犯罪的目標受眾 範圍更廣,因此本會將配合社會現象,圍繞網 路犯罪這種犯罪趨勢作為研究主題,期望透過 設立有關預防犯罪的指標,制定「網路犯罪受 害指數」,以提高公眾對網路犯罪潛在風險的 認識,並幫助大眾了解如何保護自己免受網路 犯罪的侵害,從而推廣預防犯罪的理念。 發展重點(四) — 裝備同工臨床及管 理能力 人才對機構長遠發展尤其重要,要推動善導會 多元化發展,需要的不單是臨床方面的人才, 管理方面的人才同樣重要。過去一年,我們為 新入職的管理層同工提供個人化的培訓,有助 同工認識更多業界及社會需要,能夠快捷及準 確地回應社會需要。與此同時,我們致力透過 內部及外間培訓、推動調職安排、促進同工之 間的經驗及知識交流等,裝備同工的臨床及 管理能力。此外,我們亦安排了具備潛質的同 工參與「設計思維」訓練課程,推動同工在日常 工作中加入「設計思維」以優化服務,提升管理 質素。