
131 計劃助理為高危多元族裔社群提供定期血液檢查。 Project assistant provided regular blood tests for high-risk ethnically diverse communities. 為大專院校的不同社群提供預防血液傳染病的知識 講座和社區活動。 Seminars and community activities on preventing blood-borne infectious diseases for different communities in colleges and universities. 社工和朋輩支援員一同出席 LGBTQ+ 友好活動 Pink Dot 。 Social workers and peer supporters attended a LGBTQ+ friendly event — Pink Dot. 會員特務計劃於男性性工作者外展服務中與 服務使用者合照。 A photo with service users during male sex worker outreach service of the “Project MSM”. 透過參與 LGBTQ+ 友好活動 拓展服務合作網絡 「會員特務計劃」為服務社群普及安全性行為的 訊息,本年度出席不同 LGBTQ+ 友好活動,其中 包括 Pink Dot, RainbowMarket 及 Vogueing Kiki Ball 等,於合作之中推廣健康教育資訊及派發安全 套等。 Expanding Collaboration and Service Network by Joining LGBTQ+ Friendly Events In order to expand cooperation network and promote AIDS prevention messages, “Project MSM” has collaborated with different organisations and participated in various LGBTQ+ friendly events like Pink Dot, Rainbow Market, Vogueing Kiki Ball etc., to provide health information and deliver condoms to service users. 回應疫情後本地及非本地社群的健 康需要 因應疫情放緩,「關懷移動網」團隊本年度積極 與海內外機構合作,舉行社群為主的健康教育 活動。我們定期於多元族裔的機構舉辦恆常健 康檢查站、參展各大專院校的健康教育日、舉 辦「 2023 年度世界愛滋病日」街站等等,以積極 回應各大社群的健康教育需要。 Responding to the Health Needs of Local and Non-local Service Users after the Pandemic As the epidemic trend continued to be stabilised, the “Project CMN” team actively collaborated with local and non-local institutions such as educational and non-profit organisations to organise community-based health education activities throughout the year. We regularly held health check stations at institutions serving ethnically diverse groups, participate in health education days at major universities, and organised street stations for “World AIDS Day 2023” to proactively address the health education needs of various communities.