135 透過外展服務接觸多元族裔高危 青少年及其家長 本計劃積極提供全港性的網上和地區外展服 務,緊貼時代脈搏。計劃新增兩個網上平台 (Facebook 及 Instagram) ,除了用以接觸服務使 用者外,我們亦希望透過網上平台發放與毒品 相關的資訊,增加大眾對毒品禍害的認識。 我們亦有於多元族裔人士聚居地提供日間和深 宵地區外展服務,如油尖旺、東涌和元朗。除 此之外,亦在公園、多元族裔商店和餐廳等地 方,派發計劃單張和禁毒資訊。 Engaging Ethnically Diverse At Risk Youth and Parents Our project conducted both physical and online outreach service. To keep abreast of modern developments, we launched two online platforms (Facebook and Instagram) not only to engage with service users, but also to disseminate drug-related information so as to arouse public awareness of the harms associated with drug addiction. We also provided physical outreach service during daytime and mid-night in districts resided with ethnically diverse youths and parents, such as Yau Tsim Mong, Tung Chung and Yuen Long. Project leaflets and anti-drugs information posters were distributed in places like parks, ethnically diverse shops and restaurants. 帶領多元族裔高危青少年參觀戒毒中心開放 日,透過小遊戲、過來人分享和展覽,讓參加 者了解毒品的禍害,提供禁毒教育。 We visited the open day of a treatment center with high-risk ethnically diverse youths to share the harms of drug addiction and abuse of psychotropic substances undertaken through mini games, ex-drug abuser sharing and exhibition. 朋輩支援員到區內多元族裔青少年聚集地提供預防吸毒工作坊,向多元族裔高危青少年推 廣「無毒人生」。 Peer supporter provided anti-drug workshop in the hotspots where the ethnically diverse youths gathered to promote drug-free messages.
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