
12 總幹事報告 Chief Executive’s Report Strategic Theme — Development of health- related services Physical and mental health were always the foundation of one’s well-being. In the past year, SideBySide had helped service users establish a healthy lifestyle through different health-related activity groups. We also cooperate with the Sex Offenders Evaluation and Treatment Unit (ETU) of Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre on the “Body and Mind Exercise Programme”, which exercise was adopted as an intervention counseling model to provide members with high-intensity interval training, calisthenics, full-body stretching and running etc., to facilitate them to establish regular work-out habits to improve their physical and mental health, as well as to enhance their ability to reintegrate into society. Promote Policy Initiatives to Reflect Social Needs We had also strengthened our role in policy advocacy in the past year to reflect the needs of disadvantaged groups in the society. For example, our response to the “Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Bill” was child-oriented in its implementation that the perspective of “informed trauma care” for children suspected of being abused should be adopted, and more resources should be allocated for the social rehabilitation of abusers and reconciliation with families and their children. As such, early implementation of appropriate rehabilitation services and social worker follow-up for the abused were required. In addition, we would also make recommendations in the two major areas of poverty alleviation policy and housing policy in response to the “2023 Policy Address” issued by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, including promotion of the upward mobility of multi-ethnic communities, regularisation of the Social Welfare Development Fund, and the enhancement of funding related to central administration of NGOs. 策略主題 — 發展健康相關服務 身心健康是善導之本。過去一年,本會透過不 同的健康活動小組協助服務使用者建立健康 的生活方式。我們亦與小欖精神病治療中心 的性罪犯心理評估及治療組合作「身心運動計 劃」,以運動作為介入輔導模式,為所員提供高 強度間歇式訓練、徒手健身運動、全身拉筋伸 展及跑步培訓等,協助他們建立有規律的運動 習慣,改善身心健康,提升重返及融入社會的 能力。 推動政策倡議 反映社會訴求 本會亦在過去一年加強政策倡議的角色,以反 映社會弱勢群體的聲音。例如,回應《強制舉報 虐待兒童條例草案》在執行上更以兒童為本, 對懷疑受虐兒童採用「知情創傷照顧」視角,亦 要重視施虐者的更生康復,與家庭及其子女復 和的後續情況,因着施虐者的服務需要更早開 展適切的更生康復服務及社工跟進。此外,本 會亦將會就香港特別行政區行政長官發表的 《 2023 年施政報告》,於扶貧政策及房屋政策兩 大範疇提出建議,包括促進多元族裔社群向上 流動、恆常化「社會福利發展基金」及增撥非政 府機構中央行政相關的資助。