
140 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 持續強化介入濫藥母親策略建立母 親專屬互助網絡 本計劃持續強化對母親組群的介入策略,透過 多元族裔朋輩輔導員招攬一群正在濫藥或曾有 濫藥經驗的母親組成「母親小組」,並舉辦各種 針對婦女的活動,以提高她們參與強化康復活 動的動力。活動旨在建立她們的互助網絡、分 享應對生活壓力的技巧及提高她們解難能力。 在小組中期,我們以藝術、園藝治療、運動作 為小組介入方法,協助她們發展減壓技巧、提 升身心靈健康及增強抗毒的動力。此外,我們 亦與不同社福機構合作,以協助她們融入社會 和擴闊她們的社區資源網絡。 Strengthening the Intervention Strategy On Drug Using Mothers to Develop Their Mutual Support Network The project continues to strengthen the strategy for the mothers’ target group by achieving the “snowball effect” through recruiting peers supporters and carrying out attractive activities to increase their motivation to join the rehabilitation strengthening programmes. The target groups aimed at building up their mutual support network, teaching them skills to deal with life pressure and enhancing their problem-solving ability. In the middle phase of the group, we used art, horticultural therapy and sports as means of group intervention to help them develop relaxation skills, improve body-mind-spirit level and strengthen motivation to maintain abstinence. We collaborated with different NGOs for rehabilitated mothers to help them integrate into the community and broaden their social resources. 母親小組成員學習製作乾花擴香石,發揮其設計天份並 學習情緒管理。 Service users from mothers‘ group learnt to make dried flower aroma stones for developing their design talents and learning emotional management. 戒毒康復者學習有關美容基礎技巧以準備投入職場及融入社區。 Rehabilitated service users learnt about foundation skills for beauty to prepare for work and integrate into the community.