142 少數族裔社區大使計劃 Ethnic Minority District Ambassador Service Overview 服務概覽 本會向來致力推動社區關愛共融, 在社會福利署撥款支持下,於二零 二零年十月正式在更生康復服務推 行為期三年的「少數族裔社區大使 試驗計劃」,期望能使本會服務更完善,同時為 多元族裔人士提供更多就業機會。 本會招聘了四位多元族裔同工,聯同本會其他 計劃的多元族裔社工、福利工作員及朋輩支援 員,在灣仔、油尖旺、北區、屯門及元朗等九 個地區發展多元族裔服務。服務包括提供外展 服務、小組及個人輔導服務、翻譯服務及陪診 服務等,並在會內舉辦有關多元族裔文化的工 作坊和訓練,加強同工對多元族裔的認知及文 化敏感度,使本會服務能更完善地照顧不同社 群的需要。 SideBySide had long been contributing to the development of an inclusive society. With such an aim, a three-year “Ethnic Minority District Ambassador Pilot Scheme” was launched in October 2020 to provide more career opportunities for the ethnically diverse community. Four ethnically diverse colleagues were recruited as the ambassadors and they worked with the social workers, welfare workers and peer supporters in 9 areas, including Wan Chai, Yau Tsim Mong, North District, Tuen Mun and Yuen Long, to provide services including outreach service, group and individual counselling, translation for ethnically diverse community as well as escorting them to attend medical follow-ups when necessary. The ambassadors had also conducted workshops and trainings to enhance our staffs’ cultural sensitivity towards the ethnically diverse community so that our services could better address the needs of different groups of users. 服務數據 Service Data 444 123 3,509 118 提供的語言服務 ( 傳譯 / 翻譯 ) 人次 No. of language services (Interpretation/ Translation) offered 社區外展次數 No. of sessions in physical outreach 多元族裔社區外展接觸人次 No. of ethnically diverse clients reached by physical outreach 小組及活動總次數 Total no. of groups/ activities organised
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